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Takapuna – West Street :-(


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Originally posted by DaBouncer

I was a bouncer, who is also qualified in business studies and marketing, I have first hand experience of the licencing trade and bar management as well as running my own limited company which has grown from strength to strength in the 3 years it has been operational.


Trust me, I feel I have more knowledge on the subject John... but feel free to ingore me ;)


Firstly Da Bouncer I want to apologise for my previous words - there was no need for me to be so arrogant [and indeed it was ironic]. Secondly, I'm sure you have more first hand experience of running small businesses - I'm more acquainted with corporations and Governments. Door policies are just something that tick me off slightly and to boot I'm feeling morose today. Anyway, my sincere apologies.

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Originally posted by JonJParr

Firstly Da Bouncer I want to apologise for my previous words - there was no need for me to be so arrogant [and indeed it was ironic]. Secondly, I'm sure you have more first hand experience of running small businesses - I'm more acquainted with corporations and Governments. Door policies are just something that tick me off slightly and to boot I'm feeling morose today. Anyway, my sincere apologies.

Your gracious apology is accepted John.

I wouldn't worry too much tho, it's only a forum... not real life.


It's the place we spend time to pass the time ;)

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My experience of Takapunas was pretty good, I went on a comedy night though, I think it was a thursday.


I wouldn't go at the weekend because I don't think they'd let me in with my jeans and trainers on. Some people love that kind of stuff though - Jon I think what you're missing maybe is that there's a huge population of people in my age range (students and young professionals) that thrive on that whole "I've got the right face, shoes and boyfriend to go to Takapunas and you haven't" type stuff!


Sad I know! They will get a thrill out of being admitted and being surrounded by other sex in the city, aren't we beautiful, dressed by Gucci, I'll pay 4 pounds a pint types.


Hence sensible types like me and my friends stick to other pubs and resteraunts where we can drink pints without other customers looking at me like I'm something they scraped off their shoes!

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kathythebean, next time you fancy comedy get into the roundhouse we do not have ideas above our station nor do we try to be "ten bob millionaires" all the comedy acts are great and around the venue all night to chat and drink, the main man Toby Foster "helps " the DJ at the end of the night by operating the light desk apart from when he is dancing to some old northern soul classics.


Lots of laughs all night and very down to earth.

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Originally posted by JonJParr

Doesn't the fact that these 'trendy' types like to be seen in places that are made to seem more busy than they actually are illustrate just how fickle they are? The whole thing is nothing more than an illusion, perhaps akin to their sense of self-importance. Give me a 'genuinely' quieter venue any day of the week.


The whole 'face selection' process is so unbelievably pretentious and supercilious it's a wonder they haven't gone out of business already. I can see it now, the new style business model, "we pick our customers based on whether they have a mullet or not." Embarassingly ridiculous.



I see what you're saying Jon, but places like Takapuna serve their purpose. I don't follow fashion, but some people do. I don't go out to "be seen", but some people do. I don't specifically aim for places full of the beautiful people, but some people do. Takapuna caters for its target market.


Any city like Sheffield is always going to have some people who follow fashion religiously, so it will need bars like Takapuna to cater for those people. I wouldn't go there, but I also wouldn't begrudge anyone who's into that kind of thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You all seem to think that us Doormen so it for fun. well sorry to disappoint but it's not normally our tradition we're just the messenger. It's like why should someone be allowed in with shoes and not trainers or NIKE and not ROCKPORT? The place I work in doesn't allow hoodies, jogging bottoms or Caps. Basically if you look like a chav then hard luck. This is something that annoys everyone and always will.

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Originally posted by JonJParr

I beg to differ. I think you'll find that business principle seriously flawed.


More customers = More revenue


which in turn means....


More revenue = More profit


Trust me on this one, making corporations more efficient and productive is what I do for a living.



wait there....could be wrong here but aren't you a civil servant?

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

I'd think about a career change if I were you.

More customers may = more revenue in the short term.

However if the customer yuou let in are footy hooligans or gangster type and start causing trouble with general law abiding public then the majority of people will avoid the venue because of the reputation it would soon gain.


Thus = Less Revenue, Loss of Licence and possible closure.

The door policy with regards to clothing brands is a policy is a result from, guidelines set by south yorkshire police because research shows that certain groups of trouble causers favour certain brands.



110% correct DaBouncer.

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Been reading this thread for a while and would like to make some, I think value and fair comments.


I am a door picker, so you can all get your knifes out now. I've been on doors for two and a halve years and have done both bars and clubs so feel that I am have a right to make comments on peoples comments and judgment.


Think some of the comments are a little harsh and personal on what people think we are 'personally' like. Judge me on my job, the way I talk to you and personally hold myself but untill you know anyone you can't make personal comment.


I dont make personal judgment on people before anyone throws that back at me, I treat others like I would like to be treated myself. I'll be the first to say when i am wrong and do think I am fair and can see both sides of the story and will sometimes explain things a little more than door men at difficult times to customers.


If someone talks to me like s**t then after a while I'll talk to on how I'm being spoken to. I would class myself as patient and yeah it sounds like I'm bigging myself up a lot but I also know my downfalls just as much.


Unfortunatly it comes to the old ' We dont make the rules' Thing, I hear you all huff and puff. But unfortunatly like parking wardens yeah you wanna hate them but at the end of the day they are getting paid to do a job with given guildlines and rules that are set above them. Everyones job has a purpose, so has ours.


Venues and management give us the rules, along with police who we all work closely along side with. And unfortunatly we get paid for inforcing those rules, and I will be the first to say that some of them are stupid but every venue is different as there own idenity, which entails a certain target market / Custom idenity that they want to attract, hence the rules we have to work by.


I know it sounds like a cop out when someone says 'we dont make the rules love' when your mates are inside a venue, your dying for a pee and its just started to rain! Last thing you wanna hear! But can I just have all the doormans backs here for a minute and say the conditions that we have to work in and the abuse and situations that we sometimes occure and have to put ourslves in are awful. But we all choose to do it so more fool us some may say.


Just for the record, I dont get "paid £5 per hour" to "facepick" as a thread said before and I am not a snotty faced cow as another said. I wouldnt put myself in the situations I sometimes get into for £5 per hour, call me snotty on that one if you like.please remember we are not only there to inforce rules but also protect members of the public and sometimes dealing with people 'under the influence' can make this even harder. Some rules believe it or not are there to help you....ie; no hoods, if you get attacked or an indident occurs and you want to press charges but the security cameras cant see the individual because there are hooded up. Thats the reason that we dont let hoods in.


So feel free to start back on me, I will listen, have listened and will continue to listen to anyones comments they have, but please remember that we are there to serve a purpose, do our job with the rules that we have and not be jobsworths. This comments are just my personal comments and not talking on behalve of the door person community.




:wave: :wave:

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