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Another Government bail Out!

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however some companies need to borrow money to buy new equipment or raw materials in order to get more customers and orders.


Yes there will be some firms like that. The number of them will be declining at a rapid pace as economic conditions worsen.

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People kick off saying the government should be doing more to help the small businesses.


People kick off because the government is helping increase credit opportunities for small businesses.


People kick off saying the government should be helping more people get onto the property market.


People kick off because the government dares to offer the RTB scheme again or proposes to assist mortgage deposits for people who have struggled to get a property.


People kick off becuase the government is not doing enough about the housing shortages.


People kick off about the government wasting public monies on PFIs and Contractors to build new housing.


People kick off about the govenment ignoring our run down town centres and lack of investment bringing business, tourism and retail into a city


People kick off about the government wasting public money on designing and building new retail, commercial or tourist developments.


People kick off about the congested roads, overburdened rail network and lack of airports in the region.


People kick off about the environmental impact of building wider roads, new rail lines or new airports.



........................ does anyone else see a pattern.


Its rediculous. People need to grow up and get on with their own lives rather than protesting and shouting about something they have no control over, know very little about generally causing grief and inconvenience to the rest of the population who are trying to simply live their lives by adapting to changes that arise.


The government will always do something that someone else doesn't like. But that's what happens when you live in a democracy. The 10million plus tory voters had to put up and live through the Blair and Brown years. Now its time for some of you lot to live through the Cameron/Clegg years.


Its how life is and always was. Sitting in your armchair whinging on here or freezing your bits off waving a stupid placard aint gonna change that.


Try getting on with your life and the Cameron/Clegg years will be all over before you know it.

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The difference being that labour wanted to fund public building projects like roads, schools and hospitals …………. True to form our Tory friends want to line the pockets of private firms.


Easy to score points like that but remember this: It's private firms and only private firms that provide the funds for the projects you mention.

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Easy to score points like that but remember this: It's private firms and only private firms that provide the funds for the projects you mention.


No it isn't. Governments can fund infrastructure projects too and in the UK there has probably never been a better time to do it because interest rates are so low.


Perhaps the markets would be receptive to borrowing for decent infrastructure projects that could provide economic stimulus and lasting benefits.


But there is one thing that will stop any infrastructure projects being done at super low cost to the taxpayer - the need for Osborne to hit his deficit reduction targets. That means it will all be done off balance sheet again and Osborne has a new investor waiting in the wings - pension funds seeking investing value because of ultra low gilt yields.


That's right. More PFI folks. More deals we can't afford. All the New Labour mistakes repeated but with a subtle twist - taxpayers stumping up inflated payments to chronically mismanaged pension funds.

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