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Women arrested for raping men


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that is not true.

it is completely possible for men to be raped and it's a horrible misunderstanding that people think they can't, this is why so many men are petrified of coming forward.

an erection is simply how the body knows to respond so it's actually completely possible.


I'm struggling to comprehend this. I still don't believe it. The body must be ready for sex, and therefore not opposed to the act. So if the body wants sex, is it rape?

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I think if it really is rape, that involves violence, intimidation and fear...I don't think many men would be up for it. A woman or women could hold a man down and force themselves on him, but he would have to want to do it. I don't think its physically possible to have sex if you are fully against it[/b]. The theory that you can implies that men's mental state does not effect their willy...If we accept that men can't help having sex even if they don't want to, doesn't then a woman, who they find grotesque, just have to touch them and, bingo...off they go!



You're confusing sex with the ability to have an erection. What about exercising options, choice, desire?


If the consensus is that a man can get an erection without sexual stimuli then I can only conclude you assume that all women to all men are sexual stimuli in the positive sense at all times.


Or are you saying that simply to have an erection it's enough for your thoughts to dismiss rape?

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You're confusing sex with the ability to have an erection. What about exercising options, choice, desire?


If the consensus is that a man can get an erection without sexual stimuli then I can only conclude you assume that all women to all men are sexual stimuli in the positive sense at all times.


Or are you saying that simply to have an erection it's enough for your thoughts to dismiss rape?


I'm saying that having an erection while sat day dreaming in the office is indeed possible. I'm also saying that being jumped on, beaten up, having clothes ripped off and generally humiliated are not the right circumstances to get an erection.

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For you Frank :)


There's a small section midway down concerning women raping men and how much we can't control our peckers.




Link doesn't work, sorry.....Anyway, its often claimed that a lot of rapes are invented to save the victim embarrassment or for vindictive purposes. I'm not saying this is true, but if it is...?


Its a while since I read the article but isnt it all based on one blokes story?

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Link doesn't work, sorry.....Anyway, its often claimed that a lot of rapes are invented to save the victim embarrassment or for vindictive purposes. I'm not saying this is true, but if it is...?


I don't know mate and i'm sorry the link failed but basically it says yes. A woman can rape a man, stimulate him to get an erection and have sex. Much the same as female victims the male freezes out of shock or disbelief.

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That is total and utter nonsense.

Absolute and utter tripe.


No it isn't. I tell you what, why don't you try working with male rape victims and then come back with your denials? Men can also be penetrated, digitally, or with an object by a woman, against his will. No wonder men don't come forward.

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I'm saying that having an erection while sat day dreaming in the office is indeed possible. I'm also saying that being jumped on, beaten up, having clothes ripped off and generally humiliated are not the right circumstances to get an erection.


Normally no..I would agree, but the circumstances we are debating are not normal, let alone frequent I would guess.


You seem to be assuming that an erection and a sexual act between two as somehow synonymous as a desire. Normally yes I'll agree.


I don't have a desire, I don't have a choice being restrained, but because I have an erection (which I can get regardless of desire or not) I am somehow guilty of desiring the perp?

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Normally no..I would agree, but the circumstances we are debating are not normal, let alone frequent I would guess.


You seem to be assuming that an erection and a sexual act between two as somehow synonymous as a desire. Normally yes I'll agree.


I don't have a desire, I don't have a choice being restrained, but because I have an erection (which I can get regardless of desire or not) I am somehow guilty of desiring the perp?



Mmmm. I need to research the matter more...:D

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Here's the content of Murphys link...not sure if you could open it.


There are numerous frequently accepted myths about male rape and in all probability more so than there are about female rape. These myths have the effect of minimizing the gravity of the crime, and the accountability of the perpetrator.


These myths about male rape also have an effect on the way men think about themselves when they have been assaulted, and, sadly, the way those men are treated by many other individuals.


Understanding the facts about male rape can give the male rape victim the strength to counteract their fears and, we hope, will enable more men to ask for the information and counseling support that they so rightly ought to have. Knowing what are the myths and facts about male rape, may also help others understand how to respond to those male rape victims.


Here are a few of the facts about, and some of the most frequent myths about male rape and men who are raped.

Myth: Men can't be sexually assaulted.


Reality: Men can be, and are, sexually assaulted every day. Any man can be sexually assaulted regardless of their size, strength, appearance, occupation, race or sexual orientation. Male rape can happen at home, work, out doors, in your car, in the military, prisons, in locker rooms, rest rooms, public toilets, in fact just about anywhere a rapist thinks they can get away with it, and it can happen to any male.


It should also be noted that it is not unusual for a male to "freeze" during a rape, in part due to shock, and fear of ones life. Remember, the rapist will no doubt have done this before, and hence be prepared for what happens, but few, if any men, have even considered in their mind the possibility of such things happening and are thus totally unprepared.





Myth: Only gay men are sexually assaulted.


Reality: Although gay men are raped slightly more often than heterosexual men this is due more to the fact that they can be the target anti-gay violence, that often includes acts of rape, plus that gay men are at far more risk of date rape attacks from other men.


Heterosexual males can be, and are, also raped in very large numbers. An F.B.I. statistic put the number of males that will be raped as an adult at 3 %, a number most organizations think is very underestimated. Of this 3%, over 40% identify themselves as exclusively heterosexual.


In the mid 80's it was thought that only 3% of boys suffered childhood sexual abuse where as now it is accepted 1 in 6 are; so the 3% for adult rape will probably rise in the next few years as well as more males start to talk about it.


Myth: It is only gay men that sexually assault other men.


Reality: The vast majority of men who sexually assault other men identify themselves as heterosexual. Many rapists will attack either males or females, while in their consensual will only have sex with females. Some target males more than females as it gives them even a greater sense of power and control.


This fact helps to highlight another reality, that is, that sexual assault is usually more about violence, anger, domination and control over another person, than it is about lust or sexual attraction.


Myth: Adult men cannot be sexually assaulted by women.


Reality: Although the majority of reported perpetrators are male, (97 to 98%), women can, and do, also sexually assault men but is seldom reported... not that many males feel safe reporting rape anyway.


If you include emotional blackmail as a way of giving the victim no choice, then the number greatly increases. Also don't think that if a woman rapes you that you have to penetrate her, there are such things as vibrators that she can use on you as well.


If you think a female can not force a male to get an erection against his will, think again, you have little (to no) control over that part of your body with your will power.


Think it can never happen? see abducted adult male abused by females among others, but please don't say "i wish" unless you want your testicles destroyed as much as his :(


Think you could never be forced to gain an erection? Wait till the most important football match you ever want to watch is on TV, then see if your partner can distract that part of your body against your will :)

You will lose every time.


Think an unconscious (drunk or drugged etc ) male can not get an erection ? ... never woken up with morning "wood" or it happen on a bus or at the supermarket, or at work, against your will .... the mind has little control on getting it to just go away *sigh*


People who suffer from impotence often just need a vacuum pump (or a mouth) and a rubber band and it will stay hard as long as they need. Also see here .(BBC Horizon program).... if they can get a medically induced unconscious rhino, gorilla, etc, to ejaculate what chance does that give a man ?





Myth: Male rape victims don't suffer as bad a female rape victims, after all they do not risk becoming pregnant.


Reality: All rape victims suffer in many different ways, some responses are gender specific, some are not.


Male male rape frequently involves higher levels of violence, weapons, and is also more likely to involve multiple assailants. Male rape victims are also more at risk of committing suicide as a result of rape.


As for the risk of becoming pregnant, no male rape victims do not run that risk. However anal rape does have a much higher risk of internal tearing and damage, and with that comes a higher risk of possible HIV transmission.


( also see ptsd and rape trauma syndrome )


Myth: Most rapists are strangers.


Reality: Whilst many gang rapes and acts of anti-gay violence are committed by strangers, most rapes, like in women, are committed by people known to the victim. They may be a friend, neighbor, boss or a relative, father, uncle, co-worker, brother or ex partner. They could also be a trades person, or a professional e.g., a doctor, teacher, psychiatrist, police officer or a public servant. One worrying increase is in the amount of rapes during robberies, muggings and house break-in's in an attempt to stop the person reporting the crime.


Myth: Getting an erection or ejaculation during sexual assault means you "really wanted it" or consented to it.


Reality: This is one of the things that can cause male rape survivors a lot of confusion and guilt when they do not know how things work. For a start I can honestly say that getting an erection shows nothing other than your body responds how it is suppose to do. It is a totally normal thing to happen and has nothing to do with desire. Have you never been on a bus, or sat in an office meeting, and it has gone hard all by it's self for no reason ?


Basically, unless you have some medical condition that stops you then you will get an erection when it is manipulated. It is a result of stimulation, and it does not matter if you do not want it to happen or not. There is little you can do to stop it most of the time.


Sadly, some males become confused and think an erection equals arousal equals them wanting it. In reality all it means is that part of the body has nerve endings that respond to touch and that touch can be wanted or not wanted, pleasant or non pleasant. With lubricant you will have even less choice as to how it responds to touch. It is the same as the body will respond to someone tickling you and you will probably laugh, but if it is done at a time or by a person you do not want to tickle you it will still respond.


If you were penetrated, the pressure in the prostate gland (see diagram below) also will cause an erection. Anyone who has ever had a DRE (short for Digital Rectal Exam) of the prostate at their doctors will know that getting an erection often happens during the examination.



Now as far as ejaculation goes, again this is a very normal thing to have happened. In fact, the rapist will very often go out of their way to make sure that you do ejaculate, in order to try to make you more ashamed, (adds to their dominate feeling of power) and also they know it will likely reduce your chances of reporting the crime. First off, it is because it is a normal reaction to stimulation. Second, the pressure on the prostate will, by it's self, release some fluid, making the penis more sensitive to that stimulation. In fact, it is possible for a doctor to obtain a semen sample during a DRE. Pressure on the seminal vesicle will likewise release a lot of fluid, and could resemble ejaculation to some extent, although may feel different.


Seminal Vesicles: Two glands which provides about two-thirds of the fluid which makes up the semen. These are located to the left and right of the prostate. Output of the seminal vesicle mixes with the sperm from the vas deferens and flows through a duct which then passes the fluid through the prostate to the urethra.

One other thing to remember, is that ejaculation against your will, and an orgasm when having a wanted sexual encounter are, two totally different things.



By Starman_uk (aest.org.uk) © 2004~2010 all rights reserved.



Myth: Rape in Gay couples does not exist.


Reality: Rape in marriage or any relationship, straight or gay , can and does often occur. Through physical, psychological or emotional coercion, some men are forced by their partners, to engage in unwanted sexual acts, including oral or anal sex. A spouse, or partner, boyfriend can be charged with the rape of their partner in many countries now. The law recognizes that a spouse is not the property of their partner, to be used sexually by them. Gay relationships deserve the same recognition.


Myth: Male rape only happens in prisons.


Reality: Rape does happen a lot in prisons, there is no doubt about that. In fact, in the USA, it is said that there are far more male rapes every day in prisons alone than there are rapes of all females in the USA. However, males are raped outside of prison every day of every year, in their homes, cars, at work and just about anywhere. Male rape also happens in the military and armed services as well, collages, universities, and all sorts of places.

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