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Women arrested for raping men


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I'd agree with the various types of rape being possible. The only one I have a problem with is the female forcing the man to penetrate her with an erect penis...There is a good point about emotional black mail that I'd never considered...


I am wavering somewhat, so won't disagree further, but will research....:)

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I'd agree with the various types of rape being possible. The only one I have a problem with is the female forcing the man to penetrate her with an erect penis...There is a good point about emotional black mail that I'd never considered...


I am wavering somewhat, so won't disagree further, but will research....:)


She doesn't have to force him to penetrate her, she can take the lead and be the one on top, as it were and as stated above, 'freezing' is a common reaction. Many men probably don't even identify it as rape for the very same reasons that a few on here refuse to believe that it's even possible.

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Does the same apply to women who are raped..I don't know..

Sexual arousal during female rape is an automatic mechanism, mainly to avoid any damage being caused by penetration. It isn't the same as "sexual arousal" in the context that being raped isn't a pleasure, but the body responds the same way.




Aphrodite Matsakis writes about sexual arousal or orgasm in rape:

"Before you chastise yourself for one more minute, remember that your sexual organs do not have a brain. They cannot distinguish between a mauling rapist and the gentle touch of a lover. They simply react to stimulation the way they were physically designed to respond. If you climaxed or had some other sexual response to the rape, this does not mean that you enjoyed it." (1992, p.73)


In response to other bits of this thread, rape is about consent. A man may be aroused, and even possibly attracted, but in saying "no" then any further act is rape. It's not a complex idea.

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I reckon, after deliberating, that men can be raped by women in certain situations. As mentioned earlier in relation to emotional blackmail and as Chris and Suffregette1 mention above.


However, I was, initially, talking about a situation where the woman, a stranger, the attacker, hides and then leaps out and attacks the man, violently, and then makes him have sex. Without some magic substance, I don't think this type of woman on man rape is possible. But, of course, its quite possible when the roles are reversed. That is the point I was trying to (badly) make.


Another point is that if 3 women in Africa, or anywhere else for that matter, need to collect sperm for whatever reason. They'd only have to ask, and quite quickly a queue would form, it'd be a lot less trouble than kidnapping random blokes and they'd get gallons of the stuff...:)

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I was under the impression that the sexual assault on a man is only classed as rape if he is penetrated.

I would say the man in question was sexually assaulted and not raped.

Just a thought, these women that sexually assaulted the man, suppose they had forced him to have sex with another women against her will, would he have raped her because he had intercourse against her will or are they both be classed as sexually assaulted.

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