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Depression why such a stigma?

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Women can have a good weep or they can confide in another female friend while men just bottle it all up until something as to give ……….. yes I know that’s simplistic but that about sums it up.


I think more and more men who come out and speak about depression the better. As its not laziness, its not weak. It can happen to anybody and at different levels.


perhaps pride and shame play a part too which is a great pity.

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Samaritans will talk to anyone, in confidence, who is experiencing depression, is in distress or despair. You don't have to be suicidal to pick up that phone. Please consider contacting them should you ever need it. The volunteers are trained to listen and explore feelings. If you don't want to phone, you can drop in at the centre or email.

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I was told that depression is a physical problem not a mental problem although it manifests itself as a mental issue.

People who execise regularly and then abruptly stop can suffer from derpression due to Endorphines not being stimulated/released (or whatever).

This is how it was explained to me when I appeared to suffer from depressioin and anxiety at the time when I came off valium that had been prescribed as a relaxant for the condition Spondylosis of the neck, this was in or around 1980 when valium was still being claimed to be none addictive

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Depression sucks baaaad.

Unless youve had it you cant understand it.

My manager being a prime example. One day i didnt smile, she asked why, i broke down in tears and blurted out a problem i had that was causing sleepless nights, axiety and then depression.

She said "how long you had it?"

I said " about 3 weeks now"

She said "pah!! You should be over it by now, get a grip man and sort yourself out!!"


Silly cow!! :(

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Depression sucks baaaad.

Unless youve had it you cant understand it.

My manager being a prime example. One day i didnt smile, she asked why, i broke down in tears and blurted out a problem i had that was causing sleepless nights, axiety and then depression.

She said "how long you had it?"

I said " about 3 weeks now"

She said "pah!! You should be over it by now, get a grip man and sort yourself out!!"


Silly cow!! :(

Anxiety and depression are not one in the same.


The worst thing anyone can say is "pull yourself together" or "snap out of it" only someon who's suffered from it really knows.

Motivating yourself is so difficult when the world doesn't look a nice place anymore..

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the thing is about depression it doesnt get talked about and therefore it becomes taboo, if more people openly talked about it especialy celebrities in the media, it wouldnt have this cloud over it, i remember reading about Beverly Callard who suffered greatly in the throes of depression, and i had nothing but admiration for her as she spoke so feely about it, bravo to her

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There are two very different types of depression (perhaps more)

One is when you have been having a really bad time for an extended period and you are weighed down with your problems.

The other is more physical and is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. I had this second type, and was driven to make a very serious suicide attempt.

Talking to someone is good, but sometimes it won't work. I didn't even know what was wrong with me, so it didn't occur to me to talk to someone. I had gone down into a very dark place and there was only one way out. This could be what happened to Mr Speed. People have said how normal and happy he looked the day before on tv, but that makes sense to me, because once a decision has been made as to how to get out of the dark place, it can paradoxically make one feel better for a while.


It is very hard to be a sufferer from depression, because too many people still think it is just a matter of pulling oneself together. Believe me, it is just not that easy. If you have a relative or friend you think is depressed, give them your love and support in a gentle non pushy way, and be there for them as much as you can.

If the worst happens and suicide results, noone should feel guilty that they couldn't prevent it, or blame the person for being selfish.

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