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Protest against energy companies, hit them where it hurts.

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why do they charge as much as they do??:huh:


Finding gas in the North Sea came to a peak in 1970 [Future of Natural Gas Supply, Jean Laherrere. UK features on pages 23, 24 & 25]. As gas has to be found before it can be extracted the peak of production must follow a peak in discovery of gas. Gas production duly peaked in the British part of the North Sea in 2000 [DTI, Energy - Energy statistics: Gas, Natural gas production and supply]. All the extra gas we use from now on will have to be imported.




Britain used to get all its gas from the North Sea and even once exported gas to Europe from these supplies. This is now changing though with our own North Sea supplies dwindling Britain now imports 10% of its gas supply.


This comes through pipelines across Europe linked to Norfolk from Belgium and also a small amount comes in as liquefied gas via a terminal in Kent.


As the North Sea supplies continue to decrease, our gas imports will rise. It is estimated that by 2010, 50% of our gas will be imported and by 2020 the North Sea will only supply us with 10%.



This estimate of 50% gas imports by 2010 proved to be correct (link).


By having to buy more gas from abroad, we're having to compete with other countries who also want that gas. Competition for increasingly scarce resources drives up the price of that resource.


And one of our main suppliers, Norway, is set to reach peak gas production in 10 years.


Norway near gas peak production


Just as the UK used to export gas to other countries until our production peaked and we had to keep it for ourselves, so will Norway eventually cease to supply us with gas.

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I've got a hat and two jumpers on, I might be using a small amount of leccy, but I am trying to use as little energy as possible.


My energy bills are falling.


It's time to hit the energy companies where it hurts, turn off your heating and whack on extra layers of clothing.


Only put enough water to boil in your kettle that you require. Etc. etc.


It's basic common sense to only fill your kettle with the amount of water you require and to dress warmly when it's cold.


I don't get your point.


Surely anyone with basic intelligence is already doing this for their own sakes and perhaps for the greater good to conserve energy. What has 'hitting the energy companies where it hurts' have to do with anything?


Are you low IQ?

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