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Missions to Mars

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why are we trying to look at planets millions of miles away and trying to fid a micro-organisms.??


Sort out our planet first. then find out ways to question the others


America have spent over $2 billlion on the two Rovers but they haven't sorted out the people killing inocent soldiers in Iraq yet, they need to get there priotoies right. $2 bill would of sorted out 1/2 of Africa's Starvation problems and water problems, and they would get good publisisum and support. but No lets be the first to Mars


Its all about how big Americas balls are


why cant we the civilised British help Africa and Asia, instead of builing a £1 mill useles bit of equiptment now stranded on Mars or in the depths of deep space!

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It's fabulous. It expands our knowledge, our creativity and our purpose. It's what our species has done for millions of years. It's why we are what we are.


What also makes us this is our cruelty, heartlessness and selfishness.


The sum of these parts is the Homo Sapiens - we will do whatever it takes to make ourselves better as a whole.

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The sum of these parts is the Homo Sapiens - we will do whatever it takes to make ourselves better as a whole.


as a whole, but does that not mean everyone on our planet?? and why do can we not spend those amounts on starving people aswell??


we 'Britain' make and print our own money we make money why cant we put the machines on over drive and give it away to people who need it??

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Originally posted by Fletch

why are we trying to look at planets millions of miles away and trying to fid a micro-organisms.??


Sort out our planet first. then find out ways to question the others


America have spent over $2 billlion on the two Rovers but they haven't sorted out the people killing inocent soldiers in Iraq yet, they need to get there priotoies right. $2 bill would of sorted out 1/2 of Africa's Starvation problems and water problems, and they would get good publisisum and support. but No lets be the first to Mars


Its all about how big Americas balls are


why cant we the civilised British help Africa and Asia, instead of builing a £1 mill useles bit of equiptment now stranded on Mars or in the depths of deep space!


I understand what you are saying, but the only reason we have I.T. is because so much money has been spent on space exploration and the latest technology is the spin offs from that I.E. the micro chip, computers etc. and all the wonderfull things that are now available, it is one thing or the other, you cannot have it both ways!

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you could now though


we have the technology to develope new things and put them into everyday life, they came up withe th electronic calculator without a space mission!!


they are developing things smaller and smaller at this second without space missions, we may have needed them to get the ball rolliing but now its moving and wont stop, as long as there is a customer theres a market!!

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Originally posted by Fletch

as a whole, but does that not mean everyone on our planet?? and why do can we not spend those amounts on starving people aswell??


That is a fair point, but the basic programming of our species is to improve. It’s called natural selection, and we are better at it than any other species on the planet. In purely natural terms that means that the ones with poor nutrition, health and rife disease will die out. Ergo, the starving will starve as better versions of our species replace them. It’s a tough world.



Originally posted by Fletch

we 'Britain' make and print our own money we make money why cant we put the machines on over drive and give it away to people who need it??


We don’t print our money in the way that you mean it. To physically make more money would destabilise economies worldwide and lead to increased poverty. Our wealth is based on the RESTRICTED SUPPLY of money, not the free supply of it. Therefore some people have to be poor and some have to be rich. That’s just the way it is.

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SO if you were staving in Africa and a rich m,an with loads of money falling out of his pockets went passed you would say

"well hes lucky he got to be rich and i got to be poor thats the way life is, i wont ask him for any money"

would you. i wouldnt.


if i was that rich man i would give away as much as i could, so i can still be in a happy house and live in relative comfert but also feel as though i am heloping poor people have a hapier food rich life

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Originally posted by Fletch

we have the technology to develope new things and put them into everyday life, they came up withe th electronic calculator without a space mission!!

You could not have picked a worse example. The electronic calculator was developed so that astronauts could function when communications were lost as they travelled on the dark side of the moon. (I will bow to greater knowledge on this one );)

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You could not have picked a worse example. The electronic calculator was developed so that astronauts could function when communications were lost as they travelled on the dark side of the moon. (I will bow to greater knowledge on this one )


ok but there must be somthing on this planet that was invented as an electronic product theat was niot linked to a space mission

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