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'Racist' on the London tram

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To be a racist you have to believe your race is superior to another race. Saying a black man is black isn’t racist unless you believe your race is superior.






a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.


a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.


hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

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So all the dozens of people that have made nasty comments toward me for being an Aussie - therefore MUST be a criminal can be done for racism???


*goes and looks for a pen and paper to make a list*




If someone calls you an Aussie they are only racist if they believe your race is inferior to their race.

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So is vigilantism, but you're all for that aren't you?


As for the OP:


To be honest, I think it's ridiculous that she has been arrested.


Her behaviour was horrible, the views presented were horrible, but she wasn't posing a threat to anyone, she was just sitting there saying nasty things.


You can't change people's views with laws, that does not work. The way to fight racism is with popular movements. We need to mock these people and show them how ridiculous their views are. Arresting them solves nothing, and is horribly illiberal.


I'm not a huge user of public transport due to private transport being essential to my business but on those occaisions I do I do not wish to either be abused or witness others being abused because of their race/sex/size/hat/mobile phone model/dress sense/sexuality/anything else.


If people start randomly abusing fellow passangers for whatever reason then it's pretty clearly a public order offence and her arrest and charge is entirely reasonable.

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It would be a relief if her child was brought up by someone suitable. He doesn't deserve that nonsense she subjects him to.



Do you think children of MAC supporters children should be removed from their parents?


Its okay I know you won't answer, and if you do you won't answer the question..:hihi:

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Plus remand,
If she's been remanded it's for her own protection, they deal with pre conviction paedophiles similarly.

plus kids taken away.:rant::rant::rant::rant:

Thank god, every child should be protected from the influence of hysterical, anti social parents
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What pressure was that then?


Its well publisized.

Fetch :)



So my claim is matter of fact then, not opinion?


What claims that then?


My comment was posed as a question, hence the question mark that punctuated it.

They usualy are. That way you can suggest stuff and say " but it was a question guv, See?? It got question marks and all sorts" :hihi::hihi:


I'm saying that just as the law of the land applies to Abu Hamza and his ilk it .

Eventually it did. But i still remember his antics. Blocking the streets week after week. Getting police protection to spout his ant British bile.

Yeah, i remember it well.


If you don't believe it should be applied to her then you should give Mr Hamza a Get Out of Jail Free card.

Where did i say any law didnt apply to her?

I didnt.

Im just not jumping to conclusions about her possible guilt or innocence.

Unlike you im not reaching for my pitchfork.

Here, this one has a fibreglass handle.

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They usualy are. That way you can suggest stuff and say " but it was a question guv, See?? It got question marks and all sorts" :hihi::hihi:


Where did i say any law didnt apply to her?

I didnt.

Im just not jumping to conclusions about her possible guilt or innocence.

Unlike you im not reaching for my pitchfork.

Here, this one has a fibreglass handle.


Fools I can suffer gladly, but blithering idiots? Well I couldn't eat a whole one :D

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