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'Racist' on the London tram

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Duh, from threads on here i've seen clips of outright racists and she is not an out and out moronic racists, a moron maybe, but a disgruntled one. If you're labelling her as racist, you also need to label the other woman one in the same fashion.



I just can't believe that you don't see it as racist; I'm staggered - how can a comment like


''Go back to where you come from. Go back to f***ing Nigrafrica. Just f***ing go back.''



not be racist? Or try it the other way round - what could you add to that remark to make it racist if you don't believe it's not already?

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But the woman has been hung out to dry for saying something stupid and offensive...When none of us know the full circumstances.


It's like that man who was found guilty by media for the murder of Jo Yates earlier this year, he was hung out to dry on here too!

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I just can't believe that you don't see it as racist; I'm staggered - how can a comment like


''Go back to where you come from. Go back to f***ing Nigrafrica. Just f***ing go back.''



not be racist? Or try it the other way round - what could you add to that remark to make it racist if you don't believe it's not already?


If she was racist she wouldn't have struggled with what to say to offend, it'd be second nature to her already.


We need to see how this started and what she's responding too!

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Why do you think vulnerable mentally ill mothers are repugnant? Don't you have any compassion for your fellow human beings?


Why do you discriminate against the mentally ill. Its not something they can help. Your behaviour is like something from 200 years ago.

You've decided she's mentally I'll.

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I'd agree. I don't think anyone, well almost, is defending what she has done. Its more to do with the circumstances and witch hunt that's followed....


I've repeatedly been called a racist even though I've repeatedly said what she did was not acceptable and if the circumstances of the event show that she is a racist then she should suffer the consequences..


But the woman has been hung out to dry for saying something stupid and offensive...When none of us know the full circumstances.


People are excusing her behaviour. The black woman whom so many are so quick to label as racist, what about her circumstances? A lifetime of racist treatment I wager, and having to listen to that diatribe and be told to go back from whence she came, yet none of you who are so quick to try and come up with 100 possible reasons why the white woman may have been having a bad day and said things that she doesn't mean are prepared to afford the black woman, who made one innocuous comment in retaliation, the same empathy. That says it all really. Back to Shims' earlier point.

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You haven't answered mine and the proof is in the transcript a couple of posts above yours. Now stop challenging people equipped with facts, it doesn't help your case.


Hey, i'll accept that transcript, i've watched about 6 videos and all are trimmed before that comment. I accept I was wrong and apologies.

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Not, if she's mentally ill, no. I wouldn't be that keen on prosecuting her either, if she is regarded as mentally sound. I'm not convinced sure it achieves anything. Better to try to educate her, not to be patronising towards her but for the sake of her and her boy's future.


Well. Now I'm confused. You've repeatedly attacked her, calling her all sorts of names, and me as well for defending her right to a fair hearing. She has, allegedly, been detained under the mental health act. So they must think there is something wrong with her. Therefore, how can you justify the last god knows how many pages of hate against her.


She's been threatened with rape and murder, people want her children taken off of her and she has been publicly hung drawn and quartered.


Some people, who are supposed to be intelligent, free thinking individuals are nothing of the sort. Thoughtless fools who ought to know better.

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