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'Racist' on the London tram

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I stand by my earlier post that if there had been some kind of provocation to her outburst, then more people on the tram would have been involved in the ensuing fracas. It's just wishful thinking.

Yes, and it wouldn't have magically ceased the moment a phone started capturing the proceedings.

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Yet, making up evidence which doesn't exist.


P.S. Grissom is very fictional!


The evidence is there on the video clip.:roll:


Here it is again, in writing:


Woman: What has this country come to? A load of black people and a load of f***ing Polish?


You ain't English. You ain't English either. None of you are f***ing English. Get back to your own...


D'you know what? Sort out your own countries, don't come and do mine.


Britain is nothing now. Britain's f*** all. My Britain's f*** all now. My British is f*** all.


Woman traveller: Excuse me dear, there are little kids round the tram.


Woman: Yeah, it's fine. I've got a little kid here.


Woman traveller: Have respect, yeah?


Woman: Have respect too. I've got a little boy here.


Woman traveller: Well get off the tram then.


Woman: F*** you


Woman traveller: Someone needs to throw you off.


Woman: Really.


Woman traveller: Yes.


Woman: I dare you, I f***ing dare you.


Woman traveller: Just watch your language, man.


Woman: Don't watch my language. Go back to where you come from. Go back to f***ing Nigrafrica. Just f***ing go back.


Woman traveller: If we don't come here you guys don't want to work. We have to do the work for you.


Woman: Really? I work. I work. I work. This is my British country. Until they let you lot come over.


Woman traveller: So what if it's your British country?


Woman: So what? It's my British country. You ain't British. You ain't British.


Woman traveller: Yes I am.


Woman: You ain't f***ing British. F*** off. You ain't British you're black.


(sounds like a kid starts crying)


Woman: Where do you come from? Where do you come from?


A second woman traveller gets involved: Now you're f***ing waking my baby up so d'you wanna shut your mouth?


Woman 1: Where's she come from?


Woman traveller 2: Look, ssh, cos now you're waking my baby up. I'm English. What have you got to say to me? F*** all. Now shut your mouth.


Woman: Shut your face.


Woman traveller 2: No I won't shut my face.


Woman: Someone's got to talk up for these lot. Look the whole f***ing tram (pointing), look at 'em.


Woman travller 2: No, it ain't.


Woman: It's all black and f***ing brown people



Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/11/28/woman-arrested-over-racist-rant-in-my-tram-experience-youtube-video-115875-23595377/#ixzz1f8enrRNm

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Yes, and it wouldn't have magically ceased the moment a phone started capturing the proceedings.


But is it conceivable that there was other words before the recording started.


And, since you're concluding that nothing was said to provoke her, without any evidence, even though there must have been some form of catalyst, that everyone else must be innocent, why, because she's white, a racist, why?

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Anyone seen it?

You can youtube it if you havent.

Ive just watched it and i cant see a big problem. She was giving her opinion (not very well it has to be said) which the last time i looked wasnt illegal in this country.

So why has she been arrested?

Watch the video and before you fake offense or if you are uptight enough to be actually offended then remember all the people in recent years who have been allowed to get away with far more racist anti white/British bile than this women says. Yet they dont get arrested:confused:


I think not.


Fair to conclude from the content of your many posts that you are, in my considered opinion, a racist.

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The evidence is there on the video clip.:roll:


And where is any mention of white hoods?


She'd probably have to wear a white hood with two holes cut in to convince some on here that she may be a tad racist.:roll::roll:




Why not go out and start a riot or something, maybe that will quench your hatred of this woman.

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