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Save Linda Carty

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Why would her lawyer fail to establish that their client was 'not of good character'?


I don't think that's what he intended to say, although the post is not as well written as it might have been.


The documentary claimed that she was of good character but her defence lawyer failed to make that case in court.

The evidence the documentary didn't show, is things showing that she was not of good character, which rather imply that it is not her lawyer's fault for failing to show she was.



As for me I know nothing about the case, so other than being opposed to the death penalty on logical grounds, I won't comment on the specifics.

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I don't think that's what he intended to say, although the post is not as well written as it might have been.


The documentary claimed that she was of good character but her defence lawyer failed to make that case in court.

The evidence the documentary didn't show, is things showing that she was not of good character, which rather imply that it is not her lawyer's fault for failing to show she was.



As for me I know nothing about the case, so other than being opposed to the death penalty on logical grounds, I won't comment on the specifics.

I realised one of my words made my post difficult to read too, so I've changed it, it didn't change the meaning, just to make more clear. You understood it though :)

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If you commit a crime in a state in America that has the death penalty for that crime , you have nobody to blame but yourself when you find yourself on death row.


Im sorry ,but this woman commited the crime ,was found guilty and sentenced accordingly. she made her bed ,now she must lie in it . The bleeding heart liberals need to realise this ,and stop trying to get her off.


She is guilty.

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British Citizen Linda Carty is sat on death row in Texas, having been sentenced to death without being afforded proper legal support by our British Government; having been the casualty of wholly ineffective, novice defence Texas lawyer, who did not fully investigate her background and troubled life ( see BBC 4 ). How can this British Citizen be subjected to this whilst our British Government stands idly by and so many others claim their Human Rights. Does the State of Texas not subscribe to Human Rights ?.






Just another nitwit thread about a murderer who was found guilty based on factual evidence of a cold blooded pre-planned killing.


Why dont people like you ever mention the victim instead of crying great big crocodile tears over a person who was obviously worthless to herself and the rest of society


Good riddance I say. We have enough of our own home grown scumbags without tolerating imports

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...being given a lousy defence lawyer because in America, only rich people can have good lawyers.


It wouldn't have mattered if she had Johnny Cochran for her defence counsel. It was clearly established that she had kidnapped and murdered the victim Rodriguez.

I suppose some slick attorney could have come up with the usual defence tripe that she was "temporarily insane" or "of low IQ" or had been "the victim of childhood abuse" but those kind of arguments has been used too often already and are now showing obvious signs of wear and tear

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Just another nitwit thread about a murderer who was found guilty based on factual evidence of a cold blooded pre-planned killing.


Why dont people like you ever mention the victim instead of crying great big crocodile tears over a person who was obviously worthless to herself and the rest of society


Good riddance I say. We have enough of our own home grown scumbags without tolerating imports

Far too much common sense in that post for it to go down well.
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If you commit a crime in a state in America that has the death penalty for that crime , you have nobody to blame but yourself when you find yourself on death row.


Im sorry ,but this woman commited the crime ,was found guilty and sentenced accordingly. she made her bed ,now she must lie in it . The bleeding heart liberals need to realise this ,and stop trying to get her off.


She is guilty.

Why are you apologising?

If you commit a crime in a state in America that has the death penalty for that crime , you have nobody to blame but yourself when you find yourself on death row.


Im sorry, but this woman commited the crime ,was found guilty and sentenced accordingly. she made her bed ,now she must lie in it . The bleeding heart liberals need to realise this ,and stop trying to get her off.


She is guilty.


Do you know something we don't?

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