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Save Linda Carty

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Just another nitwit thread about a murderer who was found guilty based on factual evidence of a cold blooded pre-planned killing.

Factual evidence?


You mean no forensic evidence and no witnesses?


- from the case notes - 'It was never suggested that Carty kidnapped or killed Joana herself'


... or the testimony of 'an armed robber; a dope dealer; a drive-by shooter; and another armed robber', who jointly testified against her as part of a plea bargain for their lives?


And they were testifying against a defense who was 'assigned Jerry Guerinot as a public defender. Guerinot has one of the worst records in the US for saving his clients from execution. He met her for just 15 minutes and failed to call defence witnesses at her trial'.


15 minutes? That is the length of my work-breaks where I can manage to eat 2 sandwiches, a pack of crisps and 1 ciggie.


This was a murder investigation.


Why dont people like you ever mention the victim instead of crying great big crocodile tears over a person who was obviously worthless to herself and the rest of society

If an innocent person gets legally murdered, then there is more than one victim.

Good riddance I say. We have enough of our own home grown scumbags without tolerating imports

Perhaps that was the view of the 'the jury, in a racially-charged case (the victim was Hispanic) consisted of 10 white people, one black and one Latino'.

It wouldn't have mattered if she had Johnny Cochran for her defence counsel. It was clearly established that she had kidnapped and murdered the victim Rodriguez.

I suppose some slick attorney could have come up with the usual defence tripe that she was "temporarily insane" or "of low IQ" or had been "the victim of childhood abuse" but those kind of arguments has been used too often already and are now showing obvious signs of wear and tear

No one has suggested that she was of low IQ or childhood abuse.


Would you like to be a juror? 'when Under Texan law, it is juries, not judges, that decide whether to impose the death penalty'.


Looking at the case, her defense was useless. Even the 'the federal appeals court had indicated "deficiencies" in the handling of the case'.

Far too much common sense in that post for it to go down well.

I disagree. I don't know whether or not she did try and get these 5 men to kill this woman, four of which testified against her (the fifth who was perhaps key to the case, who her car was lent to, was described as - 'But if he knew the truth about the murder, he took it to his grave - seven months before Carty's trial, intruders broke into his home and shot him dead, along with his wife and five-year-old daughter.') .


But, it strikes me personally as less than 'beyond doubt'.


Her case was built on this:

'There was no forensic evidence linking Carty to the killing of Rodriguez. Her conviction rested on the testimony of her alleged accomplices, who admitted planning and perpetrating the crime. None of these men faced the death penalty - only Carty did.'






Links 1, 2, 3, 4.

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She'll have plenty of time to appeal the decision, years in fact if the appeals go all the way up to the Supreme Court.

They dont drag em out to the town square and string em up right away anymore.


Already done and was denied a review a few months ago, so it's almost certainly curtains for her. Most likely within 90 days according to reports that I've looked at.


Do you think the rest of my post was unreasonable?

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Linda Carty reminds me of Susan Hayward in I Want To Live! Maybe the guys stuck her out front because they believed that being a woman, she wouldn't get the death penalty. In Texas, they should have known better than that. She should have known, too. Maybe she thought her British citizenship would protect her? Actually, I don't believe she thought that far or much at all.


According to witnesses, before the murder, she was driving around with an infant seat in her car. Why? Did she ever explain that? :confused:


I'm always surprised when police informants and other lowlifes don't believe the cops and or their criminal associates will eventually throw them to the dogs. She didn't see this coming a mile away?

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As someone who is a British citizen through being born as a British subject in a former colony, it's a disgrace that Britain, on the strength of it's much touted "special relationship" with the USA, does not require these southern extremists to refrain from executing it's subjects.


Cameron should be dealing with this.

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As someone who is a British citizen through being born as a British subject in a former colony, it's a disgrace that Britain, on the strength of it's much touted "special relationship" with the USA, does not require these southern extremists to refrain from executing it's subjects.


Cameron should be dealing with this.


What do you mean "require these southern extremists to refrain from executing it's subjects" (meaning UK subjects I suppose)


Since when has Britiain since the end of the revolutionary war had any say in US justice?.


Would you be of the same opinion if it were the other way round? Like "Hey! you cant execute this murderer cos he's a US citizen"


There's no special deals based on citizenship and Cameron is aware that the law is the law whatever part of the world it applies to.

You do the crime and you takes the consequences.


Did you know about the three Australian citizens executed in Malaysia back in the early 1980s for drug smuggling where such a crime is punishable by death under Malaysian law?


The convicted murderer in this case happens to be female but we now live in our western societies where gender equality has been firmy established so leniency on the grounds of gender ? Nope ! :rant: :rant:

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Takes one to know one !! = USA would still be a colony if G Washington hadnt been helped out so much by the French, Gen La Fayette[/quote]


Even if that is historically accurate I doubt it would still have the status of a "colony" after over two centuries. More likely joined with Canada in one great big self govermning nation like OZ and NZ


BTW never tell an Aussie, a Kiwi or a Canuck that their countries are still colonies unless you're blessed with fists of fury :hihi:

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What do you mean "require these southern extremists to refrain from executing it's subjects" (meaning UK subjects I suppose)


Since when has Britiain since the end of the revolutionary war had any say in US justice?.


Would you be of the same opinion if it were the other way round? Like "Hey! you cant execute this murderer cos he's a US citizen"


There's no special deals based on citizenship and Cameron is aware that the law is the law whatever part of the world it applies to.

You do the crime and you takes the consequences.


Did you know about the three Australian citizens executed in Malaysia back in the early 1980s for drug smuggling where such a crime is punishable by death under Malaysian law?


The convicted murderer in this case happens to be female but we now live in our western societies where gender equality has been firmy established so leniency on the grounds of gender ? Nope ! :rant: :rant:


Yes, meaning UK subjects. I mean exactly what I said. Britain is progressive enough to have abolished capital punishment, like the nations which are most frequently held up as examples of liberal and civilised society. I strongly believe that a British citizen should not be executed by any foreign nation, particularly not one that we have such a strong relationship with. (Although I certainly have my own view on what that really means).


I can have no confidence in US 'justice' when 139 people who have been placed on death row by the US since 197 have been exonerated, sometimes posthumously. :mad: Now that's a situation that really justifies a :rant: :rant:


There are people who have been sitting on death row in the US since the early 1980's and in the politically extreme state of Texas, unsurprisingly 70% of those currently on death row are non-white.

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Yes, meaning UK subjects. I mean exactly what I said. Britain is progressive enough to have abolished capital punishment, like the nations which are most frequently held up as examples of liberal and civilised society. I strongly believe that a British citizen should not be executed by any foreign nation, particularly not one that we have such a strong relationship with. (Although I certainly have my own view on what that really means).


I can have no confidence in US 'justice' when 139 people who have been placed on death row by the US since 197 have been exonerated, sometimes posthumously. :mad: Now that's a situation that really justifies a :rant: :rant:


There are people who have been sitting on death row in the US since the early 1980's and in the politically extreme state of Texas, unsurprisingly 70% of those currently on death row are non-white.



Why should a British citizen be excused paying the penalty prescribed by law based on his/her nationality? :loopy:

The courts and judicial system dont give a toss where you come from. You are a a person who has been arrested for committing a crime and are subject to the same penalties that the locals who commit the same crimes are subject to.


Where do you get all your stats from?


Yes blacks do make up a large percentage of those on death row more than likely due to the fact that murders are much more prevalent among that group much of it due to gang wars and drug dealing


Any notion that they are in death row because of their colour as you seem to suggest is just stupid.


Also, much as the UK system of justice is one of the soundest in the world and much of it used in the US system the UK is not the barometer for setting the judicial system anywhere else in the world.

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