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Ban applause during play at the snooker tournament at the Crucible?


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Why do people in the audience feel the need to applaud shots during play at the Crucible and other tournaments? It doesn't even have to be an exceptionally brilliant shot for them to do it either, any mediocre to half decent shot gets at least a smattering of applause it seems.


I wish these irritating people would refrane from applauding during play, and perhaps save it for the end of the frame.


Would banning it during play be popular?

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This is why I've never been to the Snooker and never will, they expect you to sit in silence while watching, you can't even cough! :loopy:


A game of snooker at the crucible isn't a football match at the lane; are you incapable of sitting still and quiet for a few hours like a grown up??

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This is why I've never been to the Snooker and never will, they expect you to sit in silence while watching, you can't even cough! :loopy:


You can cough and move around. They just prefere it to be when the players arent taking a shot. Just dont have your mobile switched on. If it rings your out.

I know this from personal experience.

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