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Strikes? They're all out shopping!

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Of course I dont know who was a striker and who wasn't, but there was more people out and about shopping this morning than there was yesterday and more than there will be tomorow no doubt, so it stands to reason that some of them were strikers, no?


And what if they were?

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Thats really strange because I was at a rally in Sheffield City Centre with about 10 000 other people. I can't say for definite about Leeds but according to the news report I saw the rally there was the biggest in Yorkshire. How bizarre you managed to miss it all.

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I was in and around Leeds city centre today, around town hall area where the public sector work, and bar a few tents (:rolleyes:) it was dead. Left the city and wanted a sandwich. Couldn't believe how busy Tesco Extra was .. every trolley checkout had queues of at least 5 or 6 people with full trolleys.. it took me 25 minutes to get to the front of the self-service, of which there are 12 checkouts. Then it occurred to me, people are having the day off and many kids are off school.


So who is actually striking, as in protesting? All i saw was shoppers scrambling to spend money.


Did you conveniently fail to see the march and the very well attended rally then?

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According to news reports, Passengers at the airports were saying that the whole experience ran SMOOTHER and with GREATER efficiency using the support staff that had been drafted in.


A nurse that I know personally also stated that the wards ran better. I quote


I seen about 5 people picketing on my way out of work

We had a lovely shift, thought It would have been hectic but we had extra staff nurses and a health care up from out patients It was like christmas. They had'nt worked on a ward for years and fairplay they got stuck in more than some of our own staff....lazy <Expletive deleted>


The union bosses are trying to downplay the lack of support that the picket lines got in terms of their own members of course.


Well quite; what does the OP expect the strikers to do? Sit at home looking miserable?


Forgive me but I thought the whole point is that you go and show your support of the strike you're taking part in by joining the picket line.

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I had to queue for 20 mins for a cinema ticket yesterday. The lady at the counter said she'd never seen anything like it.


One bloke brought his kids into the cinema and sat next to me to watch Moneyball (a slow narrative 12A about baseball) because he said, "all the other films were sold out".

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