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Jesus was Jewish, so God must be Jewish

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No, but you follow Mohammeds teachings.

It is his word, and his only, that says he spoke with Angel Gabriel, and met God in the end.

No one elses.

No one was there with him, to confirm his statements.

It is all done on trust.

And his descendants have made vast fortunes out of the poverty striken countries of the world by it.


Same as every other religion. Load of baloney.

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James VI was also a descendant of William the Conqueror. Elizabeth can trace her ancestry to both.


I know that. Then with the union of England and Scotland when James VI of Scotland became James I of England the English line got back on track through Robert the Bruce and Kenneth Mac Alpin and the Saxons.

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If there are more planets in the sky than there are grains of sand on planet earth,trillions upon trillions and with the universe proven to be billions of years old how can anyone believe in a man born 2000 years ago.Was god just a bit slow off the mark or something.

This is probably the most important photo ever took by man....




It shows a patch one thirteen-millionth of the total area of the sky.This one photo contains 10000 galaxies each with an estimated 200000 planets in them.Its beyond human comprehension the scale of the universe.This is light reaching us from 13 Billion years ago.


Do you really believe a Jewish man and an eastern prophet were able to "talk" to a devine being.


Serious question?

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If there are more planets in the sky than there are grains of sand on planet earth,trillions upon trillions and with the universe proven to be billions of years old how can anyone believe in a man born 2000 years ago.Was god just a bit slow off the mark or something.

This is probably the most important photo ever took by man....




It shows a patch one thirteen-millionth of the total area of the sky.This one photo contains 10000 galaxies each with an estimated 200000 planets in them.Its beyond human comprehension the scale of the universe.This is light reaching us from 13 Billion years ago.


Do you really believe a Jewish man and an eastern prophet were able to "talk" to a devine being.


Serious question?


Each to his own. But I agree. I really don't know how anyone with an ounce of grey matter can think there's a God who lives in the clouds and he created it all...


I think there is something up there that did indeed create it, but he/she aint no God...

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Jews are waiting for the son of god to come to earth. They do not believe Jesus was the son of god as he did not fulfil all the prophecies as stipulated in their holy book. This created a sect within Judaism that eventually split and become what we understand as Christianity which was in turn propagated around the world by the Roman empire and later empires such as the British, Portuguese and Danish.

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Jews are waiting for the son of god to come to earth. They do not believe Jesus was the son of god as he did not fulfil all the prophecies as stipulated in their holy book. This created a sect within Judaism that eventually split and become what we understand as Christianity which was in turn propagated around the world by the Roman empire and later empires such as the British, Portuguese and Danish.

True. Effectively, all initial Christians were Jews. They gradually reduced- and later abolished- the entrance requirement.

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Each to his own. But I agree. I really don't know how anyone with an ounce of grey matter can think there's a God who lives in the clouds and he created it all...


I think there is something up there that did indeed create it, but he/she aint no God...


so if you are right Jesus must have been telling a great big fib then.

paid a high price for it didn't he. ??

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I can't tell you anything about Mohammad's Jewishness, or lack thereof.


You are right that the religions are related, as is Christianity. All three are worshipping the same god, but each has differing opinions about the details.


Christians worship "Christ", not god.


God cannot have a son/daughter/mum/dad/uncle/aunt etc.


Same as all the other mythical beings then:).


it still doesn't change the fact that all the Men of God were 'Muslims' (even if that particular term came after).


Of course it does. How can you be something that won't exist for over a thousand years?:loopy:


It is called The Holy Trinty.


Which only applies in christianity.


We are all descended from those few individuals.


Though not from one woman, who only had two sons. :suspect:


I wasnt there at the time, so I could be wrong.

Then again, so could you. ;)


Maybe they were closer to the truth about "mary" in LoB: this clip:D.


The OED is an English language dictionary, they do indeed search rigorously for the earliest usage of the word but only English words, they only look for the date when the word is first written down in an English language text. They do not record when it was first used in a different language.


Is English not the language of England any more?

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James VI was also a descendant of William the Conqueror. Elizabeth can trace her ancestry to both.


So none of them has a true claim then?

Wiliiam was Duke of Normandy, a grace and favour title, as he was not a true descendent, hence his name at that time, of The *******.

Are we to believe that they are a load of thieving robbers?

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