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Jesus was Jewish, so God must be Jewish

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If Mohammed married a 9 year old girl in Aisha why is he revered so.It might have been acceptable back then but still....Does this never present anyone with a problem?


Not really as it was acceptable practice at the time. Mary mother of Jesus was only 12 when she was pregnant and the legal age for consent in the Vatican is still 12.

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Sorry but wrong. If by 'The Bible' you mean the TaNaCh, that has never changed. The Torah part dates back to 2488 [= 3284 years ago, or 1273BCE]. The 'New Testament' is not part of this.


But hasn't The Torah been translated by various Rabbi's over the centuries?

Who gave Noah the Noachide laws as they are not recorded in The Old Testament unlike the Ten Commandments, so are they actually spelt out chapter and verse in The Torah?

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But hasn't The Torah been translated by various Rabbi's over the centuries?[/Quote]

Translated to what?


Who gave Noah the Noachide laws as they are not recorded in The Old Testament unlike the Ten Commandments, so are they actually spelt out chapter and verse in The Torah?


No it's in the Talmud.

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It's a matter of faith. You either believe it, or you don't.


I do. But providing a source, preferably from scripture would help. Without

Scriptural reference or some form of commentary to explain such things I would not make such statements. You must have read or heard this from somewhere or someone who provided an explanation for this. It would be really interesting to know from whence your source came?

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Please provide your source for this remark.


NO one knows for sure but its been generally accepted by scholars that as she was a virgin and betrothed to Joseph she would have been around the age of 12-13. That was the normal age at the time to be betrothed. Plenty of sources on-line to view as well such as wiki for a start.


In this country until fairly recently it was 12, almost the same age and in most countries at the time it was also 12. Just read Romeo and Juliet to see how young consenting couples were back then in the UK.

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