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Jesus was Jewish, so God must be Jewish

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NO one knows for sure but its been generally accepted by scholars that as she was a virgin and betrothed to Joseph she would have been around the age of 12-13. That was the normal age at the time to be betrothed. Plenty of sources on-line to view as well such as wiki for a start.


In this country until fairly recently it was 12, almost the same age and in most countries at the time it was also 12. Just read Romeo and Juliet to see how young consenting couples were back then in the UK.


well Fake if you're a fake your statement might take some believing.;)

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NO one knows for sure but its been generally accepted by scholars that as she was a virgin and betrothed to Joseph she would have been around the age of 12-13. That was the normal age at the time to be betrothed. Plenty of sources on-line to view as well such as wiki for a start.


In this country until fairly recently it was 12, almost the same age and in most countries at the time it was also 12. Just read Romeo and Juliet to see how young consenting couples were back then in the UK.


yes,you are right to refer to the sources that provide information about the customs of the past.

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Please provide your source for this remark.


You appear to be surprised that at one time humans conceived when nature intended, even if you assume God created us, why would he create us to be able to conceive at 12 or in some cases younger if god didn’t intend us to conceive. It was also the case that human life expectancy was significantly lower than it is today so breading started much earlier that it does now.

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Then seeing as Allah had three daughters Lat, Uzza and Manat you have just blown Islam wide apart.


Isn't that a bit like saying "Hercules was the son of the god Zeus, therefore he was the son of 'God'?"


If you actually bothered to do any proper investigation into Islam, Grahame, rather than just continuously cut and paste from the anti-islam sites that you like to frequent, you would actually find that the three supposed daughters of 'allah' as mentioned in the half-quoted verse, are disregarded as myth in the latter part of the verse.


"These are nothing but names which ye have devised,- ye and your fathers,- for which Allah has sent down no authority (whatever). They follow nothing but conjecture and what their own souls desire!- Even though there has already come to them Guidance from their Lord! "


anyway, as it says in the Quran, "to you, your way, and to me, mine!"

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I don't want to burst anyone's bubble here but there is a thing called "Science" that has proved beyond doubt that we evolved from ape like creatures.. We were indeed not created by "God." Its like disputing that 12 x 12 = 144 because somebody wrote its 150 in a book a thousand or so years ago.


I would respect anyone's right to worship but the fairytale of a man living in the sky who looks down on us is not relevant in today's world.


IMO anyone who wastes their life bound up in this primitive twaddle is just wasting their limited time on this earth..


It would be more productive to worship at the alter of Cliff Richards or Des O'Connor because their word has far more credibility...


Happy Christmas by the way... :)

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