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Jesus was Jewish, so God must be Jewish

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There is no God to take it out on. Of any flavour. There is not a shred of evidence anywhere to suggest otherwise.


no one yet has convinced me otherwise, and i do listen to alternative sources.

in fact i'm quite an admirer of Richard Dawkins.

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This is what atheists say all the time when they try to blame God for everything. :)


I am not an athiest.

I believe in god, the creator.

I do not believe in adoring it, via religion.

I do however believe that when a human dies, we become part of it.

Whatever it is.

Human intelligence is not something that is snuffed out at the death of the body.

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In that case there is no room for faith. You would know that God exists, everyone would believe in God, or rather everyone would know that God exists, because everyone would have seen God.

So in another context, everyone would know God doesn't exist because nobody has seen God?

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A thought inspired by a quote from another thread. Jesus was Jewish I believe. Therefore God is Jewish. True?


As I have said earlier, God was muslim, that's why he gave the arabs the oil.

They earn money without having to work for it.:headbang:,

Something to do with " The Sands Of Time "., long live all religeons, good and bad. He He.:D

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It's not completely untrue.


Really? Tell me how?


If you are monotheistic, you believe that there is only one God.


If I am monotheistic, I believe that there is only one God.


If we're both telling the truth - if we both really believe that there is only one God - then it follows that your God is my God. (We might have different names for that God, we might award that God different attributes, but - if we are logical - we have to accept that the differences are those which we (the believers) impose.


If you (or I) say 'Your God is a different God to my God' then you (or I) are saying that there is more than one God.


But if we are monotheistic, that is a logical impossibility.

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Believers would say: the evidence is the universe itself.


I’ve always found that to be a bit of a paradox, they believe things that exist must have a creator so believe in God whilst at the same time believing that things can exist without a creator.

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