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Jesus was Jewish, so God must be Jewish

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Man made objects need a creator/designer.


Sometimes a research and development company/corporation.


Sometimes a bloke in a shed.


Evidence exists.


And this is religion's major stumbling block isn't it? So the religious choose to ignore it, or point to things and say "because". And somehow believe this passes muster.


It doesn't.


What you are saying is that science cannot go beyond the human and they did not exist 4.5 billion years ago.

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Yes. The Universe is His- as, if you like, the "Freeholder".

Mankind is merely the user ("Leaseholder"?) of the World.

So- again- what do you believe Mankind's purpose to be?


That is a different question and I would need to think about it. Perhaps it is like asking what is our children's purpose?


Do we need to have a purpose when we have children?

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Then what makes their belief wrong but Abrahamic belief correct?

Abraham was the son of a father (Terach) who was an idol wholesaler, and of a mother (Amitlai) who- we assume- shared those views. However, Abraham realised early on that his father's beliefs were inconsistent with the evidence. He was the only monotheist of his generation, at first, but he inherited the leadership role of (1) Adam and (2) Noah.

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Abraham was the son of a father (Terach) who was an idol wholesaler, and of a mother (Amitlai) who- we assume- shared those views. However, Abraham realised early on that his father's beliefs were inconsistent with the evidence. He was the only monotheist of his generation, at first, but he inherited the leadership role of (1) Adam and (2) Noah.

That isn't a direct answer.


What is it that makes Egyptian beliefs wrong, but Abrahamic belief correct? Why can a single God exist, on his own, external to the universe, with no beginning and no end - no cause?


Why were the Egyptians wrong to believe that Gods could be coughed up, or given birth to?

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That's science and the Big Bang.


I think that to believe things need a creator is more logical.


You believe that which exists must have a creator and you also believe that which exists doesn’t need a creator. This is a paradox, its illogical it can only be one or the other.

You could say something’s can exist without a creator and other things that exist need to be created, but then you couldn’t say it exists so must have been created.

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There is a thinking that we are not from this planet at all.

And that is why we desire an unearthly leader so much.

It would explain many things.


We are completely unlike any other animal on this planet. (excepting apes, which are like us, only by resemblance)


We have the desire to leave the planet


We have the intelligence to run our envinment to our desire.


No other animal can do this.

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