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Jesus was Jewish, so God must be Jewish

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This is what atheists say all the time when they try to blame God for everything. :)


I see some things never change:shakes:


I think that to believe things need a creator is more logical.


Back to the turtles, I see.


I refer you back to the scientists who say everything made by man needs a creator except for the universe which is not man-made. :)


Why not simply answer the questions posed as it was you that said everything must have a creator. So, who/what created "god"?


I believe things that exist need a creator.


And you believe that a creator of the universe exists, so who/what created it?


I believe things that exist need a creator. Atheists say they don't.


Please don't lie. You are the one stating that thing need no creator:


I believe that God has always existed.


Please do not twist my words.


What's good for the goose...


No evolution then?


Actually, because of evolution.

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There is a thinking that we are not from this planet at all.

And that is why we desire an unearthly leader so much.

Who desires an 'unearthly' leader? what do you mean by that?


We are completely unlike any other animal on this planet. (excepting apes, which are like us, only by resemblance)
What are you on about? We are not just extremely like apes we are apes. The other apes such as chimpanzees are like us in ways so much more profound than appearance. I'm astonished that you could make such a suggestion!


Human beings are like every other animal on this planet, more than that, we know that we are related to every other animal on this planet, some rather closely. They are all our distant cousins, you've got it completely backwards.

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Just so it doesn't get lost:


It's located in most Muslims' households; and the manuscript is called the Quran :D


Eurgh since you are playing dense, whats the oldest complete intact manuscript of Koran and whats the manuscript called.

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That is not what I said, I said atheists say the earth does not need a creator. Please do not twist my words.


I believe that God has always existed. He WAS the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega.


Scientists also say there has always been something in existence. :)


You said things that exist need a creator,


Originally Posted by Agbus View Post

I believe things that exist need a creator.


You said things that exist need a creator; if things that exist need a creator then God was created or doesn’t exist.

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As mentioned, 'Muslim = one who submits to God'.




When one talks of submission to God, it means accepting His Laws (and His Words).


With respect, the Catholics and Protestants are not 'Muslims' (since they refuse to accept what God has Said via His Final Revelation: the Quran).


How do you know the version of "his laws" that you have read is the right one? After all, it's a book, written by men.


The archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, and told her that she was pregnant with a son and:-


'He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.'


600 years or so later, this self same archangel Gabriel appeared to Mohammed filling him up with a load of simalar guff.

Which were transcribed by people he told the tales of these encounters to.


This Gabriel appears to be a mischeif maker to me.


If he wanted all this to be well known, why only tell people hidden in caves, or in their bedrooms, or on mountain tops?


The same applies here, what makes you believe this is true? The source of it is a book, written by men.



These "holy" books also vary greatly from version to version, IF there ever was a true original, there's every chance it/they have been changed many times throughout the ages (to suit whichever ruling power's needs, etc).

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Of course we can see God's working out from the scientific data we are able to amass.


Dawkins and Co. focus on matter which is very simplistic and easy to do. They cannot even begin to research the human emotions which are at the very core of our existence.


Dawkins' and co's remits are not to investigate emotions, though, are they?

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On that issue I ask the scientists what made the big bang and the resultant universe.


They seem quite happy to think nothing did it; therefore that is your answer. Now go back to the scientists and tell them what you told me.


At least I am "man" enough to say that although I believe in God, I could not possibly begin to explain, or even understand, myself, what the supposed phenomenon called the "big Bang" actually is.


I believe that the universe was created, and that some of us call it the "Big BAng", and some interpret the "Big Bang" as the creator's hand in the universe coming into being. None of us was there at the moment of the "Big Bang" so we can't explain it.

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Agbus who or what creates Casimir Fluctuations?


I was reading a couple of articles and the thought of crystal oscillators came into mind and then the article mentioned them, also there is a capacitive effect, nano electronics and possibly the development of silicon chips?


These are natural properties and it reminded me of the early sailors who used quartz rock to make a simple compass.


Asking who or what creates Casimir Fluctuations is like asking who or what creates lightening.

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