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Jesus was Jewish, so God must be Jewish

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I suppose the ruckus about the film "The Last Temptation Of Christ" being considered as highly offensive to Christians


The idiotic christians worked themselves up into such a frenzy over LoB too. Quick to lose the plot are these fundies.

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Absolutely. You can make up loads of things.


You are saying: the universe didn't need a cause but it exists.


But in this same universe the logical rule "everything has a cause" applies to everything.


So in this universe everything has a cause except "how this universe came to existence", you are saying we don't need a cause for that because "it just is".


You can see how you are saying exactly what believers say: "god just is the creator, there is no reason for it, he just is".


No it doesn't


When did a human ever create matter, we can't create it or destroy it all we can do is change it.

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Things are getting more complicated now.


One would have to define exactly and precisely the word "universe".


Everything that exists is the common definition, there is no definition for GOD that anyone can agree on because God is different to everyone and is a creation of the mind.

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