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Jesus was Jewish, so God must be Jewish

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I'll try to be a bit clearer next time :)




All the Men of God (those who preached the Oneness of the Creator) were Muslims; they believed fully in what He Had stated; that includes Moses, Abraham, Solomon, David etc...


Just because there was no Quranic revelation at their time, doesn't mean to say they didn't submit to God (i.e. that they weren't Muslims).


How were Moses, Abraham, Solomon, David etc...Muslims when Mohammed had not been born?

(Islam was known as Mohammedanism until recently and Islam did not exist at the time of Moses.)

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How were Moses, Abraham, Solomon, David etc...Muslims when Mohammed had not been born?

(Islam was known as Mohammedanism until recently and Islam did not exist at the time of Moses.)


The word muslim was not invented until the 17th century, 1000 years after Mohammed died.

These people make things up on the hoof, and then pretend it is all set in stone since the 7th century.

They are being seriously misled, by some big time con men.

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A thought inspired by a quote from another thread. Jesus was Jewish I believe. Therefore God is Jewish. True?




"Jewishness" is passed on by the mother, i.e you are only Jewish if your mother is Jewish, or convert.


Secondly, the concept of the Christian and Judaic god is essentially that it is the Alpha and the Omega, the prime mover, so doesn't have a mother.


Lastly, God - offered the Law - to all the different groups of people, all of whom rejected it, and it was the Israelites who chose the covenant.

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God has said nothing to us, ever, at any time.

Why would god waste his time on a bunch of joined up bacteria, on a tiny planet?

The thing that created all the Universe, does not know or care, if you exist at all.

What difference do you make in the long run?

The arrogance of religious people is outstanding.

Delusional people hundreds of years ago, have no place in our modern world.


I'm sorry but I can't see the (supposed) arrogance of those with true Faith. They will not force you to accept what they believe; it's entirely your choice.


And I'll tell you what's (actual) arrogance; militant atheists :cool:


How were Moses, Abraham, Solomon, David etc...Muslims when Mohammed had not been born?

(Islam was known as Mohammedanism until recently and Islam did not exist at the time of Moses.)


The term 'Muslim' encompasses the teachings of all the Messengers of God. Whether you lived in the time of Jesus, Moses etc... and accepted their teachings, you were a Muslim (again, one who submits and believes what His Men have said).

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The word muslim was not invented until the 17th century, 1000 years after Mohammed died.

These people make things up on the hoof, and then pretend it is all set in stone since the 7th century.

They are being seriously misled, by some big time con men.


Sorry to disappoint you but the word 'Muslim' is in the Quran (and was used by certain followers of Jesus too) :


"...When Jesus found Unbelief on their part He said: "Who will be My helpers to (the work of) Allah." Said the disciples: "We are Allah.s helpers: We believe in Allah, and do thou bear witness that we are Muslims...."
(Quran 3:52)


I'm sure the Arabic term will be able to verify it for you :)

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Sorry to disappoint you but the word 'Muslim' is in the Quran (and was used by certain followers of Jesus too) :


(Quran 3:52)


I'm sure the Arabic term will be able to verify it for you :)



a follower of the religion of Islam. adjective

relating to Muslims or their religion. Origin:

early 17th century: from Arabic, active participle of 'aslama (see Islam)


The above from the OED.



You see, all this is throwing great doubt on your contention, that Mohammed in the sense you potray him existed.

All this about fits, and angels makes it look silly.

I would rather he just be portrayed as a Warlord, hungry for land.

At least he would be seen as an honest man that way.

And not just someone trying to trick simple men into following him.

You are not often right, but you are wrong again, to use an old Sheffield phrase.

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I'm sorry but I can't see the (supposed) arrogance of those with true Faith. They will not force you to accept what they believe; it's entirely your choice.


And I'll tell you what's (actual) arrogance; militant atheists :cool:




The term 'Muslim' encompasses the teachings of all the Messengers of God. Whether you lived in the time of Jesus, Moses etc... and accepted their teachings, you were a Muslim (again, one who submits and believes what His Men have said).


I submit to the teaching of Jesus and I am emphatically NOT Muslim.

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a follower of the religion of Islam. adjective

relating to Muslims or their religion. Origin:

early 17th century: from Arabic, active participle of 'aslama (see Islam)


The above from the OED.

You are not often right, but you are wrong again, to use an old Sheffield phrase.


I appreciate that but it still doesn't change the fact that all the Men of God were 'Muslims' (even if that particular term came after).


I submit to the teaching of Jesus and I am emphatically NOT Muslim.


I'm sorry but you don't.


Jesus never said what you allege (him to have said).

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Jesus was indeed Jewish :) & middle eastern.

He was not the son of God It really irritates me when people say he is. God cannot have a son/daughter/mum/dad/uncle/aunt etc.


Are you trying to say god can't do what he wants? So much for omnipotence.

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