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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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Surprise Surprise, Jeremy Clarkson has gone and made a fool of him self again with one of his offensive and unfunny 'jokes' - saying on the One Show that strikers should be executed in front of their families.


He will of course be defending this on the grounds that 'its just a joke' - expect the usual lines about 'PC gone mad', and lefties with no sense of humour.


Soon enough you'll hear how anyone criticising him is against 'freedom of speech' - but that's not true.


He has had his say, on live TV, watched by millions - freedom of speech means that we are free to criticise him.


So we have the strange sight of a multi millionaire (and friend of the equally rich Prime Minister), who makes his money from the licence fee by driving cars into trees and acting like a naughty school boy, criticising nurses and teachers who are defending their pensions. These are the people who 'work for a living', not moronic TV personalities.


Maybe he should try out his jokes in Llanelli, see how his routine about killing strikers goes down there?


Let him make his stupid 'jokes' - but lets also enjoy the right to say 'that's not funny'. He's a parody of a right wing idiot - like a real life 'Pub Landlord'.


For Clarkson everything is just a joke, as if that excuses every stupid comment he makes.

It just so happens that he agrees with the point of those jokes.

Edited by ElasticMan
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Jeez! ... I knew someone would start a whinge thread about this! It's Jeremy Clarkson for Gods sake! ... people love him for his outrageous comments and expect him to make them ... hardly outrageous whatsoever as he was plainly joking and trying to make people with a sense of humour smile.

I already made such a comment about the strikers to my G/F a couple of days ago when she was discussing with me if she should have the day off (except I mentioned hydrochloric acid) ... no problem ... it was a joke! Just the same as those good for nothing wastrels outside the Cathedral ... nail them to a cross for their beliefs! It's called a joke and no malice is meant whatsoever! Get a life! :)

Edited by Alcoblog
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Jeez! ... I knew someone would start a whinge thread about this! It's Jeremy Clarkson for Gods sake! ... people love him for his outrageous comments and expect him to make them ... hardly outrageous whatsoever as he was plainly joking and trying to make people with a sense of humour smile.

I already made such a comment about the strikers to my G/F a couple of days ago when she was discussing with me if she should have the day off (except I mentioned hydrochloric acid) ... no problem ... it was a joke! Just the same as those good for nothing wastrels outside the Cathedral ... nail them to a cross for their beliefs! It's called a joke and no malice is meant whatsoever! Get a life! :)


People these days appear to be getting a tad sensitive, soon we will all be banned from speaking so as not offend the sensitive members of out society.

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People these days appear to be getting a tad sensitive, soon we will all be banned from speaking so as not offend the sensitive members of out society.

The thing is, if we all are expected to cater for the most weak minded lily livered tree huggers, what would this world become? :huh:

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The thing is, if we all are expected to cater for the most weak minded lily livered tree huggers, what would this world become? :huh:


There's nothing more pathetic than an aging controversialist and it looks like a few goat eating duffers who live under bridges are in the mood for it today.

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