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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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I don`t agree with you at all.

I`m partial to a bit of p*** taking (I more or less do it professionally.......), but what he said was unbelievable.

If he`d have just said they (the strikers) should be shot, I`d have thought it in poor taste but it wouldn`t have upset me that much.

But to say "they should be executed in front of their families", the guy should be sacked from the BBC and never allowed back on, period.


Here's what was actually said:




MB: Matt Baker

AJ: Alex Jones

JC: Jeremy Clarkson


MB: Now, at the end of a day where Britain has seen some of its biggest strikes, what we need is someone calm and level-headed.


AJ: Yep, a guest with balanced, uncontroversial opinions, who makes great effort not to offend.


MB: And we’ve got Jeremy Clarkson!


[studio laughs]


JC: Thank-you very much


MB: So Jeremy, schools, hospitals, airports, even driving tests have been affected. Do you the strikes are a good idea?


JC: It’s been fantastic. Seriously, never had … London today has just been empty. Everybody stayed at home, you could whizz about, your restaurants were empty


AJ: The traffic actually has been very good today


JC: Very light. Now airports, you know, people streaming through with no problems at all and it’s also like being back in the 70s, it makes me feel at home somehow.


AJ: Do you know anybody who


MB: [interrupts – inaduiable] – being on strike today?


JC: What, in public service? Of course I don’t. No, absolutely. We have to balance it though, don’t we because this is the BBC.


AJ & MB: Exactly


JC: Frankly, I’d have them all shot!


[studio laughs]


JC: I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families. I mean how dare they go on strike when they’ve got these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?!


MB: Well, on that note of balancing an opinion of course those are Jeremy’s views


JC: I just…! I was just giving two views for you!


AJ: well, we will be talking to Jeremy more later




I've bolded the important bits, the bits which clearly show the joke.


Anybody can take something anybody has said out of context, and pretend to be offended. I don't even like Clarkson, but have to defend him against such wilful vindictiveness.

Edited by quisquose
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Here's what was actually said:




AJ: Yep, a guest with balanced, uncontroversial opinions, who makes great effort not to offend.


MB: And we’ve got Jeremy Clarkson!


[studio laughs]


JC: Thank-you very much


MB: So Jeremy, schools, hospitals, airports, even driving tests have been affected. Do you the strikes are a good idea?


JC: It’s been fantastic. Seriously, never had … London today has just been empty. Everybody stayed at home, you could whizz about, your restaurants were empty


AJ: The traffic actually has been very good today


JC: Very light. Now airports, you know, people streaming through with no problems at all and it’s also like being back in the 70s, it makes me feel at home somehow.


AJ: Do you know anybody who


MB: [interrupts – inaduiable] – being on strike today?


JC: What, in public service? Of course I don’t. No, absolutely. We have to balance it though, don’t we because this is the BBC.


AJ & MB: Exactly


JC: Frankly, I’d have them all shot!


[studio laughs]


JC: I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families. I mean how dare they go on strike when they’ve got these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?!


MB: Well, on that note of balancing an opinion of course those are Jeremy’s views


JC: I just…! I was just giving two views for you!


AJ: well, we will be talking to Jeremy more later[/i]






Having read this, I think it has been taken out of context and I have no problem with it...and who actually cares what he thinks anyway?

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Here's what was actually said:




MB: Matt Baker

AJ: Alex Jones

JC: Jeremy Clarkson


MB: Now, at the end of a day where Britain has seen some of its biggest strikes, what we need is someone calm and level-headed.


AJ: Yep, a guest with balanced, uncontroversial opinions, who makes great effort not to offend.


MB: And we’ve got Jeremy Clarkson!


[studio laughs]


JC: Thank-you very much


MB: So Jeremy, schools, hospitals, airports, even driving tests have been affected. Do you the strikes are a good idea?


JC: It’s been fantastic. Seriously, never had … London today has just been empty. Everybody stayed at home, you could whizz about, your restaurants were empty


AJ: The traffic actually has been very good today


JC: Very light. Now airports, you know, people streaming through with no problems at all and it’s also like being back in the 70s, it makes me feel at home somehow.


AJ: Do you know anybody who


MB: [interrupts – inaduiable] – being on strike today?


JC: What, in public service? Of course I don’t. No, absolutely. We have to balance it though, don’t we because this is the BBC.


AJ & MB: Exactly


JC: Frankly, I’d have them all shot!


[studio laughs]


JC: I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families. I mean how dare they go on strike when they’ve got these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?!


MB: Well, on that note of balancing an opinion of course those are Jeremy’s views


JC: I just…! I was just giving two views for you!


AJ: well, we will be talking to Jeremy more later




I've bolded the important bits, the bits which clearly show the joke.


Anybody can take something anybody has said out of context, and pretend to be offended. I don't even like Clarkson, but have to defend him against such wilful vindictiveness.


True you can take anything out of context to make someone look bad. Newspapers manage to do it everyday.

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oh fs, 4700 complaints, out of how many viewers in total?


the whole strike thing was a joke anyways, who do they think they are? how dare they? try and live like I have been all my life, for even a year, then you'll be thankful for what you have got...


there are more pressing matters in the world than that crap...

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oh fs, 4700 complaints, out of how many viewers in total?


the whole strike thing was a joke anyways, who do they think they are? how dare they? try and live like I have been all my life, for even a year, then you'll be thankful for what you have got...


there are more pressing matters in the world than that crap...


Only if you`re not very sensitive and have a the tiniest little bit of a sense of humour.God help these people in the real world.

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oh fs, 4700 complaints, out of how many viewers in total?


the whole strike thing was a joke anyways, who do they think they are? how dare they? try and live like I have been all my life, for even a year, then you'll be thankful for what you have got...


there are more pressing matters in the world than that crap...


This thread is about Clarkson's comments, not the strike. Try sticking to the topic please and avoid self pitying whining if possible.

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This thread is about Clarkson's comments, not the strike. Try sticking to the topic please and avoid self pitying whining if possible.


Self pitying? lol!


and my post was about the complaints, note my opening like... 4700 complaints out of how many viewers?


while his 'joke' was about the strike, I felt I could also voice my opinion on that matter too...


but to stick to the "topic at hand" I think it's all been blown way out of proportion, it was the strikers choice to strike, yet when people say something about it (such as Clarkson) jokingly or not, they whinge about it...


if you don't want the aftermath, then don't strike in the first place...

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Some of you are really suffering from inferiority complexes.

Why do you allow people to address you as if you are rubbish?

Clarkson is a nobody lad from Rotherham.

Yet you think he is great, because he he pretends to be a southerner and despises you.

Get some backbone, and start acting like Yorkshiremen.

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Some of you are really suffering from inferiority complexes.

Why do you allow people to address you as if you are rubbish?

Clarkson is a nobody lad from Rotherham.

Yet you think he is great, because he he pretends to be a southerner and despises you.

Get some backbone, and start acting like Yorkshiremen.


Are you intentionally being so amusing?


"Don't let people call you a nobody"

"Clarkson is a nobody from Yorkshire"

"People only like him because he's not from Yorkshire"

"Don't be a nobody, be more like people from Yorkshire"


Like Clarkson?

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