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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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I don't expect to agree with everyone who is on the BBC. but he's not just on the BBC, he's paid a very large salary by them, i.e. us. We rightly expect high standards from public sector workers. If you don't meet those standards you shouldn't be in the public sector.


He obviously meets high standards to many of the licence payers.


Many public workers, managers and officials don't get close to good standards.

Edited by MrSmith
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He seems to have a new one out every five minutes. Clearly there are a lot of mugs out there.


Mugs, DVDs, Calendars, Duvet Covers the lot.


I don't think Clarkson profits from these though, as they are all tastefully branded with the Top Gear logo and thematic elements, and thus belong to BBC Worldwide.


On the other hand I'm sure that all the profits from "Round the Bend by Jeremy Clarkson" (published November 2011) are shared with him in some fashion.

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Clarkson and his TV show bring in a hell of a lot of money for the BBC.


Did no-one hear that little bit before his "They should be shot" line. It was all purely tongue in cheek. Though sadly I expect it to likely turn into something like the Jonathan Ross witch hunt. People really need to lighten up.


Whilst Radio 4 still has thought for the day, we should have one Clarkson as a counterbalance.

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Mind you, I'm a big fan of Clarkson, love his humour and views as it all pretty much echoes my own ;)


Its funny that, because the greatest jobsworth I have is also a great fan of his.

The biggest wastes of space are also his greatest fans.

How does that work eh?

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5000 complaints to BBC apparently. Wonder if Clarkson will get frogmarched out of the television centre for this one. Doubt it.


....and it would not surprise me one bit if less than half of those people actually saw the programme.


Just like Sachsgate all over again. Someone says something stupid on broadcast. hardly anyone says a word.


The press get hold of it..... and presto..... everyone suddenly gets outraged by it.


As for unision taking "legal advice".... errm free speech was not illegal last time I checked. The comments were not religious, disability, gender or race hatred. The comments did not incite violence or assult. The comments were clearly meant in jest broadcast on an entertainment show. The comments were not targetted at any specific person or named group who thus not slander.


Way to go unison, what a way to make a**e of yourself.

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I don't expect to agree with everyone who is on the BBC. but he's not just on the BBC, he's paid a very large salary by them, i.e. us. We rightly expect high standards from public sector workers. If you don't meet those standards you shouldn't be in the public sector.


I don't suppose it will cause the fake ourage ross and grant provoked with their jokes - i found wossy n wussell funny and challenging, unlike jezza, but who cares.

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