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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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Jeez! ... I knew someone would start a whinge thread about this! It's Jeremy Clarkson for Gods sake! ... people love him for his outrageous comments and expect him to make them ... hardly outrageous whatsoever as he was plainly joking and trying to make people with a sense of humour smile.

I already made such a comment about the strikers to my G/F a couple of days ago when she was discussing with me if she should have the day off (except I mentioned hydrochloric acid) ... no problem ... it was a joke! Just the same as those good for nothing wastrels outside the Cathedral ... nail them to a cross for their beliefs! It's called a joke and no malice is meant whatsoever! Get a life! :)


Some people love and some of us have always thought he was an ignorant, arrogant tosser. He's not someone who drives for a living, he plays with brum-brums, then claims to be a worker. He wouldn't know a hard days graft if it rose up an bit his saggy denim arse.

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Some people love and some of us have always thought he was an ignorant, arrogant tosser. He's not someone who drives for a living, he plays with brum-brums, then claims to be a worker. He wouldn't know a hard days graft if it rose up an bit his saggy denim arse.


You are right -it is a days work for him to fasten his trainers.I saw a documentary which illustrated his wealthy background.He has no right to make such comments and it is sad so many people hero worship the guy.Never trust anyone who wears a wool jacket and denim trousers-its very PC(Prince Charles).

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Some people love and some of us have always thought he was an ignorant, arrogant tosser. He's not someone who drives for a living, he plays with brum-brums, then claims to be a worker. He wouldn't know a hard days graft if it rose up an bit his saggy denim arse.



Did you mean asymmetrical ?:D

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I think his comment about people committing suicide in front of trains was not only unfunny but as someone who has known two such tragic deaths I found it offensive.


He didn't comment on the suicide victim, he just didn’t see the point in it stopping and inconveniencing the passengers. The suicide victim would be dead and stopping wouldn’t bring them back, maybe we should take the human factor out of trains and automate them, that way they could continue their journey.

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He didn't comment on the suicide victim, he just didn’t see the point in it stopping and inconveniencing the passengers. The suicide victim would be dead and stopping wouldn’t bring them back, maybe we should take the human factor out of trains and automate them, that way they could continue their journey.


Are you suggesting some sort of real life Hornby style railway system? :)

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