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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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I dont watch tripe like that, and I have your measure.



Well Mr Presumptions.....


Were did I say I watch him either. My measure of what btw?


I was just stating the facts that all. Type in top gear BARB figures into google. Its not hard.


Go back under your rock.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Are you for real ?Has someone taken the human factor out of you ? So it would be ok for the train to arrive in the next station, possibly with some poor persons bodyparts decorating the front.


It would have to be fitted with big wipers, I once hit a rabbit on my motorbike and it made a bit of a mess so wipers would definitely be required.

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I think your taking your relationship with Clarkson far to seriously. You're not feeling insulted on his behalf are you?:hihi:


Not at all. I was just replying to the generic comments that throw up all the time on these threads. Too many people assume just because THEY dont like someone or something they are in the right.

I dont like Mr X therefore I demand that they are taken off my television. I mean who watches Mr X.... Why should Mr X get paid from our licence fees...... etc.... etc....


My reply was simply stating that 6 million plus people DO watch Clarkson and Co. If you dont then dont watch. What the problem?


How about a recent example. Sitcom Mrs Browns Boys got an absolute hammering from critics and armchair pundits..... "its not funny" "its offensive" "how dare licence fee be wasted on this" ""its a throwback to the 70s" etc. Forums were buzzing with armchair critics demanding this "trash" was taken off our screens. They all claimed to be right. They all felt that their little opinion should be taken seriously. Unfortunatley they all got a slap in the face when the first series pulled in over 4 million viewers and a second and third series is already on the way.


That's the point. That's what I was getting at. Trying to bring some sanity to all this pathetic 'outrage'. Nothing to do with being "insulted" on clarkson's behalf :roll:

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