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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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I havent read everyones comments on here but i think that what Clarkson said was probably a typical Clarkson comment and said in humour like he does for a lot of things and i think that maybe shows like The One Show aren't the place for him to be - as its live and he is likely to say something that could cause problems.


It may be a bit of a harsh comment to make but how many people on here have had and forwarded text messages about someone who has died (Michael Jackson, Princess Di to name but 2 - i know there were plenty of jokes about both of them). Death is a sensitive subject but yet people still joke about it . . . so surely Clarksons comment is something similar - - making light of a situation (jmo)

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Speaking as someone who took part in the action on Wednesday, I don't think we should play the poor oppressed victim card here because it was quite clearly a joke. Not a very funny one, but he was obviously not being serious and didn't incite anything, being mildly offensive to everyone and everything is all part of Clarkson's act.

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what this illustrates best is the lack of sense of humour on the right. people are only calling for him to be sacked, not shot - lol


where is the sense of perspective?

Oh please. As if everyone who thinks the knee jerk reaction is absurd is a right winger. It seems whenever someone has an opposing viewpoint to you they are on "the right".


Like Revels? If Wildcat doesn't then you are a right wing fascist for liking Revels.


Although I guess from Wildcat is sitting Gorin is a rabid right winger.

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