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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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laughing themselves silly at a joke about executing millions of people in the Uk


But that's not the joke. The joke is at the BBC:


"It's also like being back in the 70s. It makes me feel at home somehow," said the Top Gear presenter, before adding: " But we have to balance this though, because this is the BBC " and went on: "Frankly, I'd have them all shot..."


Maybe you don't find the joke funny because you didn't actually understand it.

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But that's not the joke. The joke is at the BBC:


Maybe you don't find the joke funny because you didn't actually understand it.


I understand it perfectly. The 'joke' has two levels (not like that is particularly sophisticated). In part about balance, but that is just a veneer of an excuse to be doubly offensive about the strike and the strikers. it is that ugly nasty Schadenfreuden that makes people laugh. Outrage and absurdity is a part of humour after all. you only have to look at the Clarkson fans comments on this thread to see the joke is perceived in that way and nothing to do with BBC balance.


In the 1950s you could make a similar joke about balance on the BBC, but instead use gassing gypsies as your punchline. The joke would still be offensive and not just about balance but also at the expense of the victims through the violent use of language.


I am surprised your understanding of language is so one dimensional, sccsux, i thought you had more intelligence than that.

Edited by Wildcat
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No. That's how you're reading it. I happen to actually find the dig at the BBC as the funny part.


If that was the intention, then there was no reason to cause the offense it obviously would cause was there? The joke would have worked just as well without that, infact better.


Of course if it needed that offensiveness in there to be funny... then your point is an admission the joke is at the expense of strikers and the strike and only supercially about the BBC.


Besides, read back through this thread, look at the tabloid comments pages and you will find you are in a minority, if that is really where you think the humour is derived.


Regardless what is much more funny than the joke is the absurdity of the Clarkson fans hypocritical responses.... that is the best joke of all.


it precedes the latest episode, but as others have noticed this says it all:



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I think it funny that you think anything would need to be spent to know bringing a case would be pointless.
You did not think I made that one up, did you, Wildcat :confused:


After all, I can only go by what Dave Prentis, general secretary of Unison, quoted on the record:

Dave Prentis, general secretary of Unison, said: "Clarkson's comments on The One Show were totally outrageous, and they cannot be tolerated.




"An apology is not enough - we are calling on the BBC to sack Jeremy Clarkson immediately.


"We are seeking urgent legal advice about what further action we can take against him and the BBC, and whether or not his comments should be referred to the police."

...or was that the 'sense of humour of the right' aptly demonstrated by Mr Prentis :huh:

what this illustrates best is the lack of sense of humour on the right. people are only calling for him to be sacked, not shot - lol
LoL indeed-y :thumbsup: Edited by L00b
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And do you think that was said for anything other than effect? :hihi:
Aaah, I get it now!!! ;)


So, basically, your argument is that the general secretary of Unison lied to appease his members and sound good in the media...


Actually, that is as believeable as spending member's fees on a useless Counsel's opinion.


Thanks Wildcat :thumbsup:

Edited by L00b
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