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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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They could have a petition signed by a million idiots. The BBC still wont sack him.

For every £ he cost in wages he gives them back 10 times over in what his name, face and style do for the BBC's sales.

Hes a legend the world over. People love him and that means £££££'s for the bbc.

So stop whinging. Accept hes staying and be happy,


Lol I am not whinging... wheezing perhaps from laughter.

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What names are you thinking of calling him?

Poo head?

Weewee face?

Bottom burp breath?



Calling him names... just descends to his level...


No the understated and obvious response causing an even greater outrage amongst his fans and the irony of their response is far funnier.

Edited by Wildcat
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I like Clarkson. He isn't afraid to speak his mind about the ridiculous state that this country has gotten itself into. He is so very anti-PC and proud. And that's why the Beeb amongst others is always ready to find one thing to slam him for.


Obviously he doesn't really want people to be shot in front of their families. Get a grip people.

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