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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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Right wingers like to call out 'freedom of speech' at times like this, but they seek to close down debate at every opportunity. If they really believed in freedom of speech they would accept that people have the right to reply too.


Has anybody said you shouldn't be entitled to your opinion on here? 20 pages and still going, yes us right wingers really are trying to close it down, we're just not doing it very well. :roll:

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"This is a Renault Espace, probably the best of the people carriers. Not that that’s much to shout about. That’s like saying ‘Oh good, I’ve got syphilis, the best of the sexually transmitted diseases!"


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I'm concerned about that too.


What kind of state is the country in when a middle aged multi millionaire and close friend of the prime minister saying that people should be murdered on prime time TV is considered the height of comedy??


I mean, seriously - its witless, thoughtless and there doesn't appear to be anything remotely funny contained in the statement - and yet we are supposed to laugh along like the kids who hand around with the school bully?


Right wingers like to call out 'freedom of speech' at times like this, but they seek to close down debate at every opportunity. If they really believed in freedom of speech they would accept that people have the right to reply too.

What tripe!...............there is no one worse than the politically correct left, for strangling freedom of speech and the right to reply!
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I can't be bothered trawling through 21 pages, but has anyone pointed out that Clarkson wasn't necessarily stating his opinion?


He put forward the two sides of the arguement over the public sector strikes to ensure balance in the debate on the One Show. His views were neither one nor the other, but as usual the media have taken his comments out of context, and most of you have just assumed that the media are always right.

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I can't be bothered trawling through 21 pages, but has anyone pointed out that Clarkson wasn't necessarily stating his opinion?


He put forward the two sides of the arguement over the public sector strikes to ensure balance in the debate on the One Show. His views were neither one nor the other, but as usual the media have taken his comments out of context.


That's been pointed out a hundred times but they won't listen..

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