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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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What a joke they are .Touchy or what .


Simple message to the pathetic union members taking legal action.




it's not the unions who take legal action (hopefully) - it's jezza - he's off to the high court every time someone criticises him, SUPERinjunction for instance - he's so into free speech that he gets a gagging order preventing anyone knowing he's got other gagging orders, while he trots around with slappers and criticises others for infidelity.


as one of the strikers jezza spoke about, I'm not offended at all , it was a joke and that's ok, but jezza is a first rank, egotistical tosser who can't bear criticism but demands the right to spout his brainless right wing crap about anyone else.

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I can't be bothered trawling through 21 pages, but has anyone pointed out that Clarkson wasn't necessarily stating his opinion?


He put forward the two sides of the arguement over the public sector strikes to ensure balance in the debate on the One Show. His views were neither one nor the other, but as usual the media have taken his comments out of context, and most of you have just assumed that the media are always right.


I wouldn't say he put forward two sides as such, he didn't say he supported the protesters/strikes, what he said was more along the lines of cameron's 'damp squib' comment, in that he said the streets were quieter and things seemed to be running better than usual, airports etc. In effect deriding the strikers.

He then said they should be shot in front of their families.

Whether it was funny or not is a matter of opinion.


Can we shut up about it now.

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You're right, various people are like that, but an awful lot of those easily-offended (when they've looked hard enough) people tend to be lefties, or wooly-headed liberals.


ever read the mail or express, they're jam packed with the stuff brainless right wingers are offended by - foreigners, strikers, the EU, anti capitalists, anti monarchists, diana haters etc etc


I could make a series of gags here that would invoke outrage in many of the people who find clarkson funny - as I said , as one of the strikers I wasn't offended at all by the moron's humour, I'm offended when he stifles other's free speech with his endless injunctions , but his jokes don't bother me.


in heaven, mother teresa complains to god that lady di has a bigger halo than her.


'no no no' laughs god 'that's a steering wheel'.

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You're right, various people are like that, but an awful lot of those easily-offended (when they've looked hard enough) people tend to be lefties, or wooly-headed liberals.


On the contrary it seems that mock outrage is the preserve of both ends of the political spectrum. A quick glance at the Dail Mail illustrates it for one end of the spectrum. The bizarre recourse to legal action by some of the unions illustrates it for the other.


The vast majority of us in the middle are altogether far more reasonable and stoic.

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On the contrary it seems that mock outrage is the preserve of both ends of the political spectrum. A quick glance at the Dail Mail illustrates it for one end of the spectrum. The bizarre recourse to legal action by some of the unions illustrates it for the other.


The vast majority of us in the middle are altogether far more reasonable and stoic.


I think the keeping of the story going by the unions is to prolong the impact of the strike, cameron faced questions about his friendship with fellow right wing bigot clarkson which he didn't like and that's got to be for the good.


the really funny thing is the outrage that legal action should be taken AGAINST jezza who is one of the most litigious people around - doesn't like it up him as corporal jones used to say.

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Quite, I saw the full quote in context; and i can't believe the fuss being made.


it's no different to the 'outrage' that flares up when someone criticises 'our brave boys' or refuses to wear a poppy or says the queen is an undemocratic hag - it just happens to be on the other side for a change.


don't suppose jezza minds - it's all good advertising for his illiterate books with xmas round the corner.


calls for jezza to be imprisoned or executed are far fetched , but a 150 mph contact with a lamp post (a 'lady di') would cheer me up.

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