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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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it's no different to the 'outrage' that flares up when someone criticises 'our brave boys' or refuses to wear a poppy or says the queen is an undemocratic hag - it just happens to be on the other side for a change.


You're right it's no difference, I believe it to be a sort of emotional S&M where people seem to enjoy being outraged.

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to take the opposite view, I suppose if some of my fellow strikers were genuinely upset by his reference to their being shot in front of their families then they have the right and the responsibility to air their views - I say this cos I've just spoken to my brother who is outraged and he's a level headed thick skinned type. his irqi mate was on strike and is understandably sensitive about references to executions in front of families.


Of course clarkson wouldn't/couldn't understand that cos he's too busy driving ferraris and playing away matches when mrs clarksion isn't looking.

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it's not the unions who take legal action (hopefully) - it's jezza - he's off to the high court every time someone criticises him, SUPERinjunction for instance - he's so into free speech that he gets a gagging order preventing anyone knowing he's got other gagging orders, while he trots around with slappers and criticises others for infidelity.


as one of the strikers jezza spoke about, I'm not offended at all , it was a joke and that's ok, but jezza is a first rank, egotistical tosser who can't bear criticism but demands the right to spout his brainless right wing crap about anyone else.


Whats right wing about wanting militant ,trouble causing unionists shot ?:huh:

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Exactly ........IT WAS A JOKE , but a few thousand militant strikers with no sense of humour ,decided to complain

As is their right, of course. :)


Secondly, around 21,000 people complained, and you don't know they were all strikers or all left wing.


I've said it before on here, but I like it so I'll say it again; give him the same punishment as Jonathon Ross got. 1 prank phone call is equivalent to a joke about shooting people.

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