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Clarkson's latest 'joke'

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Humans represent only 0.1% of the animal bio mass on the planet, every other species is recycled by other organisms on the planet, not buried or cremated, why should we be any different? We take valuable land out of food production when we burry people and consume natural resources when we cremate people, it would be better for the environment if we let nature dispose of our bodies the natural way.


A woodland eco burial yes. Not a much slower disposal on a railway line. Abhorrent.

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Burying the human body securely after death helps to fight the spread of disease.


That’s a myth the main reason is religion and the smell.


False risks

According to health professionals, the fear of spread of disease by bodies killed by trauma rather than disease is not justified.

Edited by MrSmith
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Do you have a source? I find that a little low. I'd imagine with 7 billion human beings we'd be a little higher.


There's estimated to be 7 times more biomass in arctic Krill than humans.

Domesticated animals represent significantly more biomass than Humans.

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I'm not doubting that, I just wondered where the stat was from. I'd imagine the mass of insects alone would dwarf us without even going into plants and plankton.


I think it was probably something I watched on TV; I seam to remember that the biomass of bacteria is greater than the biomass of everything else.

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ever read the mail or express, they're jam packed with the stuff brainless right wingers are offended by - foreigners, strikers, the EU, anti capitalists, anti monarchists, diana haters etc etc


I could make a series of gags here that would invoke outrage in many of the people who find clarkson funny - as I said , as one of the strikers I wasn't offended at all by the moron's humour, I'm offended when he stifles other's free speech with his endless injunctions , but his jokes don't bother me.


in heaven, mother teresa complains to god that lady di has a bigger halo than her.


'no no no' laughs god 'that's a steering wheel'.


I bet you couldn't!

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