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Things are getting a little Heated

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There is a book by Frank Herbert called Dune.


It is set in the far future.

The universe is a melding of all religions.

He was a far sighted man I think, for this is way the world is going.


are you saying we'll still have to put up with Sting? :(

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You're not wrong there, when I saw what brewed up I was glad to be out.


They were bad times, and no mistake.

We are now united against a common enemy, thank goodness.

Let us never return to those times.

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are you saying we'll still have to put up with Sting? :(


The film is silly, read the book, infact read the series of books.

They are fantastic in the real sense.

They are long and involved, but great reading.

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"China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War" Major General Zhang Zhaozhong





RIP Israel


Why Israel? Iran is upsetting the Germans, the Italians, the Turks, the US, the Brits. Chances are its those countries that will attack Iran, not Israel. Israel might just be laying the groundwork. I say might. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

...and a little more heat still.


Looks like the check-mating is being set, one small piece at a time.


I've got a £10 that says China is getting first dibs on the drone's innards ;)


(...and if I was feeling adventurous, I'd let that £10 say that it's Chinese counter-intel/haxx0rs based in Iran that brought it down :D)

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