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Driving without insurance

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What has her finances got to do with any of you? There are some bloody idiots on here, The same goes for her wealth it has nothing to do with nay of you and makes no difference to the circumstances.


If I were you Charlotte I would take it to court, Explain in detail what happened and more than likely they will let go of the points and some of the fine.



im sorry but you are wrong, we have been there done that in the exact same situation, the courts do not want to know, she has been caught driving a vehicle on the road with no active insurance for it, therefore its a fine and 6 points, the courts are not going to get involved with financial side of things, however if the insurance had been paid but they cancelled the policy in error and she could prove it, it would be a different story....

ive been there done all this and wore the t shirt, ive complained to aa many many times to help and get the 6 points of my husbands licence, im sorry love but the points and fine will stick no matter what you do now, if im wrong, im the queens mum reborn!

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Seconded Rageness - definitely sounds like insurance company are at fault in this case. They are not infallible, make mistakes but should be honest and admit it - good luck Charlotte


the insurance company was to blame in my case, they tried to dd the funds from my account a day early then they should have done, no money was in the account because of this, they then cancelled the policy without trying again the next day or letting us know that they have cancelled the policy by letter or phone, they just cancelled it!


i remember telling the police at the time, do you think we would travel down to skegness with our children for a day out if we had no insurance!!!! nobody is that daft, yeah maybe risking it to corner shop at a push but to skegness.... i dont think so, he still wasnt bothered.


im with a different company now and if theres any problem whatsoever with payment they will send a letter or phone me, we then can sort it and every ones happy.

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we went to court to plead our case but the judge did not want to know, he said you at the time didnt have insurance for the car that you was driving so the fine and points stay!..... sorry but there is no way of getting out of this one..


mine was aa car insurance, now though before i even get in our car i check askmid.



Exactly, no insurance while driving, guilty, she should accept it and move on, and be more careful next time

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Exactly, no insurance while driving, guilty, she should accept it and move on, and be more careful next time


Your a tool, How exactly I it her fault? I have had my insurance company try to take mine out a day early also. Does that mean it would be my fault if I had not spotted it? Because they decided to break an agreement?


She has a copy of her insurance that she thought was paid for in full... How and why should she take this as lesson at the cost it's going to be?


All I can say is it depends on which judge you get and your own circumstances.

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I think you are being a bit hard on the op, a similar thing happened to me. I pay my premium in one go but most companies now state that they will renew your policy the following year unless you phone to cancel. I said they were not to do this as I would be shopping around when the policy expired. At renewal time they were the best price so I phoned to advise that they needed a new account as that card was no longer valid. Long story short.....it took me five phone calls and a stern conversation with head office to get them to take payment from the new card. It took almost two weeks to sort and I could have quite easily been in the op's position.


I have also had a household insurance policy cancelled too. We had been with the same company for years and earned a no claims discount. On renewal date this was no longer the case. When we queried it we were told we had cashed in the policy. It was hushed up and we never got to the bottom of it but it seems their rep had cashed our policy in and never told us. I asked why they hadn't spotted we hadn't cashed a cheque or been sent a letter but was never given an answer. The rep must have got cash or chased our cheque. I should have reported it to the Police. Can you imagine if we had needed to claim?

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I was the original op in this. I am a mum of a 4 year old, my partner works away Mon-Fri and I work full time in a job that bears a lot of responsibility. I do pay attention to important matters, pay all of my bills on time and for those of you that have previously commented on my finances I am not extremely well off but I am fortuante enough to live in a household where two people work full time. Our wages are not the same every month and as my insurance policy was at a cost of £290 rather than the several hundred suggested by someone earlier I didn't notice that money had not been removed from my account. For the reasons mentioned abvoe I simply do not have the time or feel the need to sit pouring over the very many transactions on my bank statement every month and really only look if I feel there has been a problem.


I have been in contact with a solicitor and my insurance company. The insurance company are forwarding me all documentation including tape recordings of phone calls regarding the matter. I will always be guilty of driving without insruance which I said form the outset that I knew once I spoke with the police officer and accepted. However I will be attending court to show my Special Reasons for driving without insurance in the hope that I can mitigate the circumstances. The conviction will always stand, I've never tried to get away with anything and have never had so much as a speeding ticket, never been in trouble with police, over tax or anything previously. I was not driving around with no isnruance because I thought I could get away with it and to be honest if that was the case why would I have started a thread on here?!

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She has a copy of her insurance that she thought was paid for in full... How and why should she take this as lesson at the cost it's going to be?

My thoughts exactly.


If the insurer had issued a certificate when payment was accepted originally then I'd assume I was insured unless told otherwise by the insurer.


Am I supposed to call my insurer at the start and end of my working day to check my insurance is still valid for the journey I'm about to make?


It wouldn't surprise me if an appeal to court failed, but if the story as as described (in this post) then that stinks.



Ah, the money hadn't gone from account? The payment failed? If that was the reason you weren't insured then I doubt it would be worth trying any sort of appeal.

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If I were you Charlotte I would take it to court, Explain in detail what happened and more than likely they will let go of the points and some of the fine.


I take it you've never been to a Magistrates Court then?


I have decided to speak to a solicitor today who actually knows something about traffic law and weigh up my options.


That's probably the best decision. Some high flying lawyer would be your only chance to get off from this, I think.

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