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The one percent

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Here is an article about one of the 1%, the Upper class, the priveleged that laugh in the face of laws and shareholders, and have sycophants on the right offering them further tax breaks....






In the US you hear stories of people sacked from their jobs in burger flipping bars for drinking a can of drink a customer didn't want... but this guy... give him $100 million change his job description whilst he embezzles millions in perks from his stakeholders.


Is he worth this? Could you not do his job with a magic 8 ball to make decisions for you and not do a better job?


If he is upper class.... then aren't claims to be middle class a bit above people's station unless you are getting $multi million golden handshakes for changing your responsibilities at work?


The truth is there is no middle class, it is a construct to create artifical divisions whilst the fat cats keep the cream for themselves. Similarly public and private sector, employed and self employed.


It is divide and rule.


So what?.

The masses got their revolution in Russia.

See what that got them.

All this lefty stuff is rubbish. Every time some fool tries it, people die in large numbers while the masses find out what it's really like to be poor.

At least with capitalism, you have a chance to win.

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Here is an article about one of the 1%, the Upper class, the priveleged that laugh in the face of laws and shareholders, and have sycophants on the right offering them further tax breaks....






In the US you hear stories of people sacked from their jobs in burger flipping bars for drinking a can of drink a customer didn't want... but this guy... give him $100 million change his job description whilst he embezzles millions in perks from his stakeholders.


Is he worth this? Could you not do his job with a magic 8 ball to make decisions for you and not do a better job?


If he is upper class.... then aren't claims to be middle class a bit above people's station unless you are getting $multi million golden handshakes for changing your responsibilities at work?


The truth is there is no middle class, it is a construct to create artifical divisions whilst the fat cats keep the cream for themselves. Similarly public and private sector, employed and self employed.


It is divide and rule.


That's a US article, the US doesn't really have class distinction in the same way the UK does.

In the UK though you don't need to be earning hundreds of millions to be in the top 1% income bracket.


How about if you make the top 10%? The ASHE figures reveal that a salary of £44,881 is enough to just edge into that top bracket.

A gross annual salary of £58,917 gets you into the top 5%.

But the standard that has cropped up in newsprint over the years is "the top 1%". It takes £118,027 to get into this bracket. And if you are earning £150,000 - the amount that triggers 50% income tax - you are in the top 0.6% of salaried people, according to the ASHE.



I expect that a good portion of the posters on here will be into the 10% or 5% bracket, with probably a smattering of those into the 1%.



Of course these figures are for salaried people, but millions are clearly not needed to be in the upper earning group.

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So what?.

The masses got their revolution in Russia.

See what that got them.

All this lefty stuff is rubbish. Every time some fool tries it, people die in large numbers while the masses find out what it's really like to be poor.

At least with capitalism, you have a chance to win.


Left-leaning politics and capitalism aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.


Nobody is advocating a revolution of the proletariat here just polinting out some contrasts between the elites and the rest of us.


One of the issues with the extremes at both ends of the spectrum is it all becomes very black and white, too simplistic, too blinkered. As old f a rts become even older f a rts the simpler it is for them the better.

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Since man formed societies there have been rich people and poor people. The rich succeed, the poor get jealous rather than do something positive with their lives, but the world goes on turning.

Life's a lot less stressful and full of resentment for people who just accept that's the way it is.

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The happiest societies are those with the smallest gap between the rich and the poor though.
But which societies are they? The communist states? I'm not sure Soviet Russia, Mau's China or North Korea have been icons of blissful existence.
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Since man formed societies there have been rich people and poor people. The rich succeed, the poor get jealous rather than do something positive with their lives, but the world goes on turning.

Life's a lot less stressful and full of resentment for people who just accept that's the way it is.


You mean why not make it easy for the so-called elite? I would rather die fighting thanks, at least my conscience would be clear and I wouldn't have to look over my shoulder every 20 seconds.

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You mean why not make it easy for the so-called elite? I would rather die fighting thanks, at least my conscience would be clear and I wouldn't have to look over my shoulder every 20 seconds.
No, I mean people should accept we're not all equal, and there will always be some people who are more successful than others, and some people who couldn't be successful no matter how much help you gave them.


I'm not sure quite where the 'over the shoulder' paranoia comes into that, but each to their own I suppose.

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Did you, by any chance, notice that there were a few rather capitalist countries in that 'Top 10' of happy nations?


Including the USA at number 4? I was always under the impression that there was a bit of a gap between rich and poor in the US. And Australia. And Canada. Pretty sure there are a few wealthy people in Germany, Sweden and Liechtenstein too.


It's also no coincidence that the top 10 happy successful places are white European nations or their ex-colonies, and the bottom 10 unsuccessful countries are black African.

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