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The one percent

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The current system (a TYPE of capitalism, not capitalism by absolute definition) is unsustainable.


Note that I am not saying it doesn't work - it works as intended - I am simply saying it cannot go on forever, just like the Soviet Union was doomed to collapse, albeit in a radically accelerated time frame.


Why? Because as wealth becomes ever more concentrated, the masses have less real purchasing power to buy back and legitimise labour and production.


Now tell me where is the so called left wing envy in that objective analysis?


I honestly don't care how wealthy you are - the system in which you earned it is crumbling piece by piece. The people I feel sorry for are those who have earned most of their wealth through honest labour and will lose it all because of the way we have let the system be manipulated and centralised by a self serving financial elite. In other words, all our eggs are in one basket, and the wrong basket.


Interestingly, this view is shared by pro-capitalist libertarians.

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Not really sure why you are off on one about Russia???


Because it's a prime example of what the masses get when they have a revolution. A dictatorship that killed millions of its own people while leaving the rest in abject poverty.


the masses also had a revolution in England in seventeenth century, and in France in the eighteenth.... and look what that got them.... yes it brought about an end to the ancien regime and brought us in to the modern age.


England. Yer dude. Oliver Cromwell managed religious genocide, a couple of wars and became a ruthless dictator.

Luckily, he snuffed it smartish so we could get a king back.


What about the French version. Mass executions of 'enemies of the revolution', a dictatorship run by the committee of public safety (Doesn't that sound nice and commie) and a few invasions of nearby countries.


Do you really want that to happen again? Drrrrr:loopy:

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Is that because they are the societies where nobody has anything that resembles a modern life?

Yeah, those backwards Scandinavians for example, all living in mud huts and cooking on open fires :hihi:


As soon as those people see what they can have, they all want it...

the clever ones get it,

the others resent it,

the really clever ones ensure sure that they don't lose what they have worked for,

and the others resent it even more and blame 'the system' for their shortcomings.



It's just basic animal instinct at work.

What is it that they aren't seeing at the moment?

I take it you didn't bother to look at the link to see which these happiest societies were?

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The clue was in the question mark, and no, I didn't click your link because I've been talking about the real 1% and the people who live on a dollar a day who get by on a cups of rice cooked on open fires in their mud huts, not Abba and Volvos.

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Because it's a prime example of what the masses get when they have a revolution. A dictatorship that killed millions of its own people while leaving the rest in abject poverty.




England. Yer dude. Oliver Cromwell managed religious genocide, a couple of wars and became a ruthless dictator.

Luckily, he snuffed it smartish so we could get a king back.


What about the French version. Mass executions of 'enemies of the revolution', a dictatorship run by the committee of public safety (Doesn't that sound nice and commie) and a few invasions of nearby countries.


Do you really want that to happen again? Drrrrr:loopy:


The legacy of the Civil War lives on in the constitutional Monarchy, as does the French revolution in its current system. In Russia like in France a system of privelege and Emperial might was otherthrown (admittedly replaced by a Stalinist Empire - but even that was a form of progress). Without those revolutions we would not have made it in to the modern era.

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Cromwell's legacy lives on in the constitutional Monarchy, as does the French revolution in its current system. Without those revolutions we would not have made it in to the modern era.


I think that we probably would have.

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I think that we probably would have.


And how would we have got rid of the absolute monarchy we had? through the benevolence of the Stuarts? No the Restoration was negotiated on Parliaments terms and the monarchy limited because they could and even monarchists didn't want to go back to. It would not have happened without the Civil War. The regicide was unique, a warning to all monarchies across europe that set the context for the modern era.

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The clue was in the question mark, and no, I didn't click your link because I've been talking about the real 1% and the people who live on a dollar a day who get by on a cups of rice cooked on open fires in their mud huts, not Abba and Volvos.


What do you want me to do then, spoon feed it to you?


Click the link and find out for yourself instead of asking me!

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