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Israel faces legal challenge over block on Palestinians

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We hear of people in Britain moaning about the number of immigrants that seem to be taking over our country - imagine what the poor people of Palestine think with the israeli's constantly occupying, murdering, taking over land, blaming, setting rules & laws, building walls around them in their own country whilst the world watches on and the West nods its head in aquiescence. :shakes::shakes:


I like many others, hope Palestine will be free from oppression one day. We've seen a black man become president of the USA ~ lets hope we can see israel outed too.


Is it the western free market values that is at the heart of your anti-Israel animus?

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There's always going to be problems in that part of the world. A major war will erupt one day. I just hope we don't get involved....It's nothing to do with us...

i agree its nothing to do with us, until some of us decide we don't like the result. ;)

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I see the Muslim Brotherhood are settling in nicely in Egypt.


Israel, even after the "Arab spring" "pro-democracy" protests, is still the only democracy in the middle east.


Apparently when the Arab Spring took hold, we would all be shown that Arab nations could 'do democracy'. Now they're holding elections and their people voting in the Islamists, I suppose they're right.


The bigger question is whether Islamism can co-exist with tolerance and human rights. Typically, adherance to Islam is inversely proportional to tolerance and observation of human rights, so if countries further embrace Islam (by their own democratic choice), human rights and tolerance are bound to decline.


Bad times for minorities, as the copts are already finding out. Bad times even for the people that want the Islamists, they will suffer a brain drain with the wealthy and educated already making plans to leave, and a catastophic loss of tourism revenue as they become another basket case that nobody will want to visit.


But, they reap what they sow.





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israel will save us all.




There's more chance of platting fog.


The israelis have PR, hence the most popular and sensible party is the opposition and a mental coalition of left wing/right wing/russian nationalists/extremist religious nutcases are the government.


Till Israel gets rid of PR it will continue to be a millstone around our necks.

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So Palestinians who choose to terrorise Israel with rockets launched from their homes - once they receive the IDF payback, they can then sue?!



I think you'll find the rockets are fired into illegally occupied land (UN resolutions a plenty supporting this), not Israel.

It would be like the French invading London and the British firing on them in an attempt to get rid.

They can hardly moan.



They need to face up to it, they're at war..


Agreed. Israel and Palestine are at war. About time this was admitted by you.



They voted Hamas, .


They did vote for Hamas. The Yanks insisted on elections but went daft when they voted for someone the US didn't like.

Hail the US, gods of democracy, unless they don't like the result.



Hamas are sworn to Israels destruction, it can be argued the whole of Gaza is committed to war with Israel.



Hamas do want to see the back of Israel. I don't agree but I can understand why they want it.

As for the whole of Gaza, that's called collective punishment and is illegal under international law. More UN resolutions against Israel for that one but Israel simply ignores them because the US won't allow them to be acted upon.


Get what they deserve.


You're arguing that shooting at a woman on her way to give birth or shooting children while they play is what they deserve.


That's a bit off but shows what people with your political view really are.


Thanks for sharing.

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