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Israel faces legal challenge over block on Palestinians

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I think you'll find the rockets are fired into illegally occupied land (UN resolutions a plenty supporting this), not Israel.


Israel is not illegally occupied.




Agreed. Israel and Palestine are at war. About time this was admitted by you.

Eh? I've never doubted it.


They did vote for Hamas. The Yanks insisted on elections but went daft when they voted for someone the US didn't like.

Hail the US, gods of democracy, unless they don't like the result.


No problem with democracy. They voted to fight the Jews and inshallah, occupy Israel, they're living with the consequences. Israel has every right to protect itself.

Hamas do want to see the back of Israel. I don't agree but I can understand why they want it.


where do you think that will get the people of Gaza? the west bank is thriving.

As for the whole of Gaza, that's called collective punishment and is illegal under international law. More UN resolutions against Israel for that one but Israel simply ignores them because the US won't allow them to be acted upon.

The enemy doesn't give a damn about UN resolutions and geneva conventions.


You're arguing that shooting at a woman on her way to give birth or shooting children while they play is what they deserve.


That's a bit off but shows what people with your political view really are.


Thanks for sharing.


It may sound cruel, but as i say, they voted these murderers in. they provoke the response, israel doesn't look for a fight. Occasionally, kids are going to get hurt when you surround yourselves with them, i have nothing but pity for the kids. Militant Islamism decides whether they become a martyr, its sickening. Its a sad fact of war that sometimes a target is too good to miss.

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Dome's reply is his usual blind rubbish.


The UN says Israel is an occupying force on Palestinian land and has a large number of resolutions against Israel for crimes of occupation.

Done says it isn't.


Kids get murdered and Done says easy targets are too good to miss.


Not hard to see where reason is here.

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Dome's reply is his usual blind rubbish.


The UN says Israel is an occupying force on Palestinian land and has a large number of resolutions against Israel for crimes of occupation.

Done says it isn't.


Kids get murdered and Done says easy targets are too good to miss.


Not hard to see where reason is here.


Just because his reasoning doesn't fit your reasoning, what would you like israel to do? What would you do if you were in Israel's shoes?

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Dome's reply is his usual blind rubbish.


The UN says Israel is an occupying force on Palestinian land and has a large number of resolutions against Israel for crimes of occupation.

Done says it isn't.


Kids get murdered and Done says easy targets are too good to miss.


Not hard to see where reason is here.


Blind rubbish? You don't seem to understand the difference between Gaza and the West Bank, don't call me blind. Remeber Gaza is not occupied any longer, and that has not stopped the rockets. You're just one of these people who wants to see Israel fight back blindfolded with both arms tied behind its back.


You sypathise with Hamas, you must approve of using children as launch pads.


Shame on you, and the OP.

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How will the only 'democracy' in the Middle East get out of this one ?




Human rights body says those seeking damages for actions of Israeli military are refused entry to the country to appear in court




Only Israel can get away with murder :(




Unfortunately in times of conflict people get killed and injured. On a positive note the planet as too many people and a few less now will mean it takes longer to get to the inevitable consequences of overpopulation when people are being killed over land, water and food.

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Instead of making another thread on a similar topic, I thought it'd be best if I posted it here :


US to Israel: 'Get to the Damn Table' for Peace Talks


The top U.S. defense official is warning Israel it cannot afford to further isolate itself from Arab neighbors in the Middle East.


During a forum in Washington late Friday, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Israel needs to start by getting back "to the damn table" and negotiating peace with the Palestinians. He also called on Israel to mend its fraying relationships with traditional partners like Turkey, Egypt and Jordan.






ID, do you think Israel will listen to the voices of reason ? - or will it do as it pleases (as usual), and isolate itself even further ?

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Instead of making another thread on a similar topic, I thought it'd be best if I posted it here :


US to Israel: 'Get to the Damn Table' for Peace Talks








ID, do you think Israel will listen to the voices of reason ? - or will it do as it pleases (as usual), and isolate itself even further ?


Why do you think the US is the voice of reason all of the sudden?? :hihi:


get :help:

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Why do you think the US is the voice of reason all of the sudden??


ID, anything to say on what Washington has said ? - do you agree Israel must get to the peace table asap ?


To avoid isolating itself even further, not just in the ME but in the wider world too ?

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