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Could we be becoming the victims of our own optimism?

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I have just been reading this article on the BBC website, and found it could potentially explain a lot of what is going on in the world.




Could it be that the world is constantly dropping itself into trouble by being overly optimistic?? A few examples come to mind instantly:


Arab Spring: It's great all these states are uprising and overthrowing their goverments isn't it. That's democracracy for you isn't it! Lovely! The new governments are going to be just great. Forward looking politicians with the freedom of the public in mind. In fact, let's give them a hand!!


Immigration: It's going to be fantastic having all these cultures and races all in the same country isn't it! Millennia of friction and division between peoples across the globe is going to be turned into peace and harmony in just a few short decades in this country. Isn't it??


Afghanistan: We can really make a difference to that country and wipe out terrorism and the threats to our own country. We won't just spread them about a bit and radicalise even more people over here? Surely not!!! We can get the job done and will be able to leave in a few years with a legacy of a brand new country!


The Eurozone(in the 90s): These countries and all work together equally in a problem free economic zone. It doesn't matter that there is a big disparity of wealth between the big powerhouses of France and Germany, the advanced countries like Finland and the Netherlands, and the southern Europeans. There won't be any problems!!


There are plenty of examples of the above. It seems obvious to me there are problems with the above. In the late 90s when I was studying Europe at college I was perplexed how you could put Germany and Greece in the Eurozone. One was going to struggle wasn't it, and it wasn't Germany. I ain't too clever either and am sure a lot of people thought this. But did the big powers care? No.


I think a lot of people literally do blank out the bad things, like the article suggests. What I find concerning as that this happens at the very top of the people who make the decisions for the countries around the world.


Anyone else agree, or do you think that optimism is the right way forward?

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I think a lot of people literally do blank out the bad things, like the article suggests. What I find concerning as that this happens at the very top of the people who make the decisions for the countries around the world.


Anyone else agree, or do you think that optimism is the right way forward?


If i wish to feel pessimistic I just log on to general discussions. Once i've had my fill, I log off and sink into a world of optimism.

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