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Good Bands in Sheffield


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I think theres too many bands trying to be like franz ferdinand, kasier chiefs, the killers.....that kinda style... its gettin over run in the charts just like all that indie tosh we got flooded with when oasis broke.

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Originally posted by fairysnuff

[...] and for something a bit different try Dead Like Harry (ok so the last one is a self plug :D )

My girlfriend and her parents love your band, and we (The Haze) are meant to be supporting you some time for a charity gig pretty soon if the gig gets confirmed. This is just a quick hello anyway. :)

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Tell me about it it's verys frustrating, I know of one band and I won't mention any names who changed their style completely and became a more Arctic Monkeys, Kaiser Chief sound and as a result are now doing very well, but we believe in what we're doing and it's not very "now" but we're not going to change just to fit in with the current scene! And good to hear about the Mercury newspaper - I've not seen it but you've made me smile :)

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Yeah, you have to stick to what you believe in and do the music you love to do. The Mercury has a page called Drag thats just for music, I think the writer is trying to drag!! the paper into the 21st century a bit more.

Lets hope Dead like Harry and KIK get somewhere this coming year, you both deserve it.

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Originally posted by fairysnuff

Saw cellarhigh play at the Showroom and at the Harley not usually my taste in music but I enjoyed it. The Feds and Louis on his own are both good but I have to say that I do slightly prefer Louis on his own. Little Man Tate, Daybreak and The Golden Age all deserve a mention and for something a bit different try Dead Like Harry (ok so the last one is a self plug :D )


i think thats one of the best comments a band can get to be honest! Thanks we're glad you enjoyed it.


I prefer Louis Romegoux doing his acoustic stuff too, thats why I put him on at The Showroom but to be fair to The Feds I haven't seen them for a while.


Didn't know you were in DLH though! Have I actually met you? I'm the singer and I've seen DLH a couple of times, the latest was when you headlined at the boardwalk and louis opened (I think avangaad was the other band). Really enjoyed it and you coped really well with your last song going completely wrong!


Favourite track though was the ballad your 'other' guy sings, i think he plays guitar and it was the only one he sang lead on. if you have that one on mp3 or something i wouldn't mind having that.

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