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Mrs Heyworth at Park County School

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Was anyone in Mrs Heyworth's class during the 1950s? She had a class of 50 pupils and, as I remember it, we could all read, write and do sums. Am I remembering this right? I'm sure we could all read by the time we left the infants and yet some year 7 pupils now can't read, can't spell and don't get me on to apostrophes!


Please tell me if my memory is wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was in Mrs Heyworth's class through most of the juniors - 1951-55, I think she was a great teacher and I don't know how she had the stamina to teach all those children. I have several books with her fancy writing in which I won as prizes. Can you remember if everybody could read and write? She was strict; I can remember being sent to fetch big lads from the seniors who she'd given lines to and waiting in the corridor whilst they finished them!

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Hello aarbigmarge, You are right about her being a good teacher, I was in her class in 1957 and she also allowed me to come to school with my sisters when I was around 3 or 4 yrs. old just to give my mother a break who was bringing 5 kids up on her own, you'll probably know my family we lived on South Street until around 1961 when we moved on to the Park Hill Flats.alan p.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Alan

I tried to reply to your last post but it was returned. I would have left Park School by the time you were in her class. I lived on Granville Lane until the houses were demolished and then we too moved to Park Hill Flats. We thought they were wonderful at that time but I think they've outlived their usefulness and shouldn't have been listed. Have you been to look round the refurbished ones? By the way, my surname was Ludlam.


I'm still waiting to find out if everyone in my class could read and write. My children have been instructed not to teach their children to read and the schools use this method called "phonics" (I think that's how it's spelled) which seem to make reading awfully complicated.

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