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The old Northern General Hospital

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  • 2 years later...

I can identify well with the situation on nights! I started my training exactly 50 years ago this month and after 6 months was put on nights on wards with an auxilliary nurse as they were known then and a night sister popped on and off the ward during the night to check on you!  The auxilliary nurses were brilliant at showing us the ropes and keeping us calm ! Talk about sink or swim! though the sister was always at the end of a phone or bleep.

Are there any others on here who started training at the same time? My maiden name was Ahern, I have lost touch with almost all of them as I moved to Derbyshire in 1978. It would be great to hear from anyone who started in September 1971.

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I was a student nurse in the 1960s. When there was a Matrons inspection round she would walk around every ward with the ward sister behind her .She would run her finger along a window sill if it looked dirty , and if it was, she would tell the ward sister to “ get it cleaned immediately “ . Bring back the old matrons !

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