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Does having 3 points on your licence affect your car insurance costs?

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Lots of quibbling over a number or two.

When a Police force is working to a 10%+2 "limit" it is when they are working to ACPO guidelines. Not all forces have signed up to these guidelines and they are often seen as guidelines for fixed cameras not necessarily for mobile units (the PC holding the unit is allowed some discretion).

So the 35 figure should not be seen as the limit below which you can get away with speeding. North Wales, for instance, is notorious for being rabidly anti-speed and no such tolerances are on offer generally.

The band of speeds clocked against which courses are offered varies from Force to Force and from one year to the next. The courses as an offer locally are quite new when compared to areas such as Thames Valley so there has been quite a lengthy bedding-in of the courses and the Constabularies needed to be convinced that the offer was worthwhile. There has also been a move towards a national model for the courses which again caused some details to change (content, length, cost, provider).

Quite recently the band of speeds clocked qualifying for an offer of a course was extended from 35/37-39 to 35/37-42. Googling it or talking to someone, even, doesn't necessarily get you accurate, uptodate information when things change on this scale.



Which is what I said.

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Why not just phone your present insurance company and find out their standing on points gained? I was told that if I accepted points my premiums would be higher for the next 5 years, if I went to the course (£75.00) for the afternoon then my premiums would not rise so much. The premiums did not rise by much - I shopped around on the net and they only rose by £17.00 for fully comp, replacement car,legal, etc

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OK, I been a naughty boy, I got caught doing 79mph on a motorway and now I have a choice.


I can go on a speed awareness course or I can have 3 points on my licence.


If I go for the speed awareness course it will cost £85, however if I go for the 3 points it will cost £60 and 3 points.


On paper it seems the £60 is the obvious punishment, however if I have 3 points does this mean I have to pay more for car insurances premiums?


Obviously, we want to keep our household costs down, and the last thing we want is a silly hike in our insurance because of a minor speeding offence


My bezzie mate had this a few months ago. She opted for the drivers awareness course as her insurance company said although it wouldn't affect her current years insurance it would certainly affect it when her renewal came up and she had the 3 points.

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My insurance has not risen with the points that I got. Some insurance companies ignore points as they know the score with the money grabbers. They look instead at my faultless driving history which stretches back many years.

Doing a few MPH over the speed limit does not make one a bad driver.

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I thought the 10% relaited to how much your speedometer could be out, so if your speedometer is out your gonna get caught


My speedo is about 10% fast as checked against one of those speed indicator signs.

I was supposedly doing 32-33 and got a 30mph thank you.:bigsmile:

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Which is what I said.


Well, actually, you wrote:

"30 plus 10% plus 2 mph is 35 mph. Did you learn a different form of mathematics or haven't you started school yet.

The minimum PROSECUTION speed is 30+10% +2....ie....35mph...fined or course,

34 mph not fined.

Why don't you listen?"


However patronising it suits you to be (and, boy, does it), you are wrong. Plenty of drivers get a ticket for doing less than the "minimum" you state as 35. Maybe not the majority but enough, certainly, to make your claim wrong.


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