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The Humbug Thread. I'm Sick Of Christmas And New Years Already.

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You tell him!


I think Christmas is fantastic for those in the 'throws' of it all. Others, with little money, and the bombardment of 'it's great ain't it' have to avoid. For various reasons. It is amazing how many people (probably) due to stress, die around this 'so called' happy time.


The amount of pressure placed on regular folk is crazy.


The word you were looking for is 'throes', and you don't need the inverted commas.

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The whole media representation of Christmas of this perfect time where everybody smiles is such twaddle anyway.


There is a HIGHER risk of relationship breakups during the Christmas and New Year period than at other times of year, and a HIGHER death rate than in the rest of the winter too, so that's a fair number of people who are either desperately unhappy because of a family break up, dying or mourning the loss of someone who is close to them.


Then there are the people who will for the rest of their lives have an anniversary of one of those dreadful things happening on Christmas Day or whenever, and all of the people who have lost a loved one since last Christmas and are going to feel their loss extra keenly when the media are making you feel that you should be with family members who you can't be with.


Then there are the people who, like me, were diagnosed with a serious illness during Christmas who will have a huge amount on their plates and have anniversaries to remember bad stuff in the future, and I know at least 3 couples who have the anniversary of losing a baby during the few days around Christmas.


And when you've counted all of those people, you can start with all the people who don't have a family to be with and who are lonely over Christmas. There are just as many lonely people over Christmas as there are the rest of the year, and the chances are that they won't be having a Disney-cute Christmas either.


And then there are loads of people who are so determined to have a good Christmas that they put themselves and their families in debt so deep that it blights the coming year, which is a pointless and stressful thing to do for one day that's so unlikely to be perfect or to match up to what the media tell us everybody has at Christmas anyway.


There, I feel better for that.


Aaaah! Medusa, you put the manic in depression. Morissey would be proud of you.

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I know, many feel the same. Sky have a 24 hour channel running Christmas films since the start of Nov. Talk about starting early! The whole advert industry have gone mad. Watch ITV, the freeview channels are worse.


It's constant, 'Happy Christmas' and I have no money, it driving me gonadic.




They are not strapping you in your chair and making you watch TV.

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Cant stand the tv ads for Iceland. They are always dancing, smiling, eating and partying !! Then she sings " Driving Home For Christmas". Most women are tied to the kitchen all Christmas cooking, and washing up.!!! :rant:


I saw that at a friends house, what amused me most is that the girl singer singing a christmas song is apparently jewish.

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It's the shopping bit that I dont like. A lot of people did their Christmas shopping during the big sales just after Thanksgiving and now it looks like a plague of locusts went through even some of the large stores.

Some items are impossible to find like the kids game Leapfrog which not only are sold out everywhere but also not able to be ordered at this time. One sales clerk in a large chain store told us that the manufacturers were only shipping about 3 to each of their stores

at the moment :loopy:

It's all a bit of a farce really. We've decided next year to just ask the family how much money they need to cover the grandkids gifts from us and a bit of money for themselves and just say "Here it is. Go out and buy what you need and make do with it"

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It's not toys in shops that winds me up, it is christmas eve and new year's eve going into the local spar convenience store to find that the shelves have been stripped bare by panic buying. The place is going to close at 6pm instead of staying open 24 hours for one evening and some locals think that armageddon is on the way.

I'll bet that many of those extra loafs of bread finish up getting slung because they were not needed.

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