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Bickering terrorists. 'palestinians' trying to find new base for terrorism

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Iran has applied intense pressure to Hamas in an effort to persuade it not to leave Damascus, threatening even to cut off funds to the organization if it did so, Palestinian sources have told Haaretz.


The Iranian pressure also included an unprecedented ultimatum - namely, an explicit threat to stop supplying Hamas with arms and suspend the training of its military activists.




Basically Hamas want to leave Syria and set up operations in another Arab country because they're worried Assad will fall and a new alliance taking over would probably kick them out.


Iran insists the 'palestinians' must stay in Syria presumably to retain control over them as Iran has freedom to operate in Syria.


Interesting times ahead.


Terrorists bickering is funny.

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Here's another interesting story about Syria:




Presumably the surrounding muslim states will be intervening lickety-spit to stop their fellow muslims being killed.


Is it just me or did anyone else hear the sound of flapping and oinking outside? Must have been a coincidence, eh?


Mind you, a Turkish intervention would be very amusing.

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Iran's pets Hezbollah have been meddling for some months in Bahrain (not ideal but could be a new base for Hamas?) and are possibly behind an attack on the British embassy.


Its all about Iran. Always has been. Without Iran, Syria is nothing, Lebanon (in its current regressive guise) is nothing, and Hamas certainly wouldn't last 2 minutes.

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Here's another interesting story about Syria:




Presumably the surrounding muslim states will be intervening lickety-spit to stop their fellow muslims being killed.


Is it just me or did anyone else hear the sound of flapping and oinking outside? Must have been a coincidence, eh?


Mind you, a Turkish intervention would be very amusing.


It's all very fascinating. The Syrians have reopened PKK camps within Syria to strike Turkey.


Just a few months ago, it was looking like Iran, Syria and Turkey were creating a very dangerous alliance. Looks like that friendship is over.


The opposition in Syria are hinting that they would break ties with Hezbollah and Iran.


Iran's pets Hezbollah have been meddling for some months in Bahrain (not ideal but could be a new base for Hamas?) and are possibly behind an attack on the British embassy.


Its all about Iran. Always has been. Without Iran, Syria is nothing, Lebanon (in its current regressive guise) is nothing, and Hamas certainly wouldn't last 2 minutes.

Yeah, no doubt Iran (shia) is behind the bombing in Bahrain which is mainly Shia but run by Sunnis.


It is all about Iran, but Hamas being Sunni will always get funding. Hell, the EU/UN are funding half the missiles for Hamas with all the diverted cash from development to terrorism.


Saudi whilst being on 'our' side vis-a-vis Iran, would not hesitate to fund Hamas through Qatar or something to cover their tracks.


Which is why Hamas will last. Although I would think very damaged by Iran's fall.



I'd love to see Hezbollah fall and the Lebanese reclaiming their country back.

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It's all very fascinating. The Syrians have reopened PKK camps within Syria to strike Turkey.


Just a few months ago, it was looking like Iran, Syria and Turkey were creating a very dangerous alliance. Looks like that friendship is over.


The opposition in Syria are hinting that they would break ties with Hezbollah and Iran.



Yeah, no doubt Iran (shia) is behind the bombing in Bahrain which is mainly Shia but run by Sunnis.


It is all about Iran, but Hamas being Sunni will always get funding. Hell, the EU/UN are funding half the missiles for Hamas with all the diverted cash from development to terrorism.


Saudi whilst being on 'our' side vis-a-vis Iran, would not hesitate to fund Hamas through Qatar or something to cover their tracks.


Which is why Hamas will last. Although I would think very damaged by Iran's fall.



I'd love to see Hezbollah fall and the Lebanese reclaiming their country back.


If the Arab spring continues through to these terrorist run states then maybe the sensible Arabs will realise who the real trouble makers are in the region and stop pointing the finger at the usual Arab/Muslim whipping boys namely Israel.

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If the Arab spring continues through to these terrorist run states then mabye the sensible Arabs will realise who the real trouble makers are in the region and stop pointing the finger at the usual Arab/Muslim whipping boys namely Israel.


Spot on.

The problem lays with the Muslim religion.

They are the warmongers, as was their oringinator.

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