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Bickering terrorists. 'palestinians' trying to find new base for terrorism

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If the Arab spring continues through to these terrorist run states then maybe the sensible Arabs will realise who the real trouble makers are in the region and stop pointing the finger at the usual Arab/Muslim whipping boys namely Israel.


Well that is the hope. First we have to get those European left wingers to stop blaming Israel for everything. :loopy:


The thing with Iran is that we need the collapse of the regime, not just their nuclear project, otherwise it will be more of the same in a few years time.

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I there was I thinking we attacked a Muslim country to protect and give freedom back to the Muslim country they invaded.


And we attacked another Muslim because they gave sanctuary to the organisation that attacked everyone including other Muslims.


And we attacked another country to protect the Muslims that were being ethnically cleansed by the Serbian forces.


And we help the Muslims that were being killed by their Muslim leader.


Makes you think we should stop helping Muslims when all we get back is grief.

The problem is that Westernerphobes cannot see anything wrong when it is done by a Muslim.

Did you see muslims on this forum start a thread about the Pakistani women sentenced to death for blasphemy? And all the disgusting stoning of women sentences carried out under the banner of Islam.

You won't because it makes a mockery of the religion of peace that wages a war of terrorism on countries all over the world.

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Well that is the hope. First we have to get those European left wingers to stop blaming Israel for everything. :loopy:


The thing with Iran is that we need the collapse of the regime, not just their nuclear project, otherwise it will be more of the same in a few years time.

The internet and mobile phone revolution is the way foreward, their backwards thinking 13th century mentality religious leaders can no longer keep them isolated to con them anymore.

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The title of this thread is "Bickering Terrorists". This forum is full of them of late and their Middle East tit for tat bitching which has little or no relevance here.


i never look in threads that don't interest me or are not relevant to my life and i suggest you do the same.

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My Bold=


Like in Afghanistan you mean, a rag tag bunch of extremists have kept us engaged for 10yrs now and still going, I think they have lived up to the hype don't you? :rolleyes:


well the taliban and aq fall into the latter part of my post. we shouldn't be there.

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911, Bali, Madrid, 27/7?:rolleyes:


27/7? The above were terrorist attacks, not invasions. I think if you added up the number of civilians killed by the USA or its agents since WW2 and compared the figure to victims of Islamic terrorism it wouldn't be close. The number in Vietnam alone was in 7 figures. And I include victims of IRA terrorism in the USA's figure as the US conveniently turned a blind eye to NORAID's fundraising.

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My Bold=


Like in Afghanistan you mean, a rag tag bunch of extremists have kept us engaged for 10yrs now and still going, I think they have lived up to the hype don't you? :rolleyes:


To be fair, the Afghan 'fighters' were a joke to begin with. It was like a turkey shoot. Then Pakistan and now Iran too started to supply weapons, training and men. Many Arab terrorists flocked to Afghanistan as they did in Chechnya or Bosnia.


So we're fighting against a fairly powerful axis - one of which has Oil wealth.

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