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Bickering terrorists. 'palestinians' trying to find new base for terrorism

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Like in Afghanistan you mean, a rag tag bunch of extremists have kept us engaged for 10yrs now and still going, I think they have lived up to the hype don't you? :rolleyes:

The problem in Afghanistan is that our guys are trying to fight on Geneva Convention terms whereas the Taleban don't give a dam who or what they shoot/bomb/execute.

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27/7? The above were terrorist attacks, not invasions. I think if you added up the number of civilians killed by the USA or its agents since WW2 and compared the figure to victims of Islamic terrorism it wouldn't be close. The number in Vietnam alone was in 7 figures. And I include victims of IRA terrorism in the USA's figure as the US conveniently turned a blind eye to NORAID's fundraising.

A terrorist attack on another country by forces accommodated, trained and supplied by another country is an invasion.

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Basically Hamas want to leave Syria and set up operations in another Arab country because they're worried Assad will fall and a new alliance taking over would probably kick them out.


Iran insists the 'palestinians' must stay in Syria presumably to retain control over them as Iran has freedom to operate in Syria.


Interesting times ahead.


Terrorists bickering is funny.

We should send all the Israelis (GCP) on a world cruise while we arm all the other Middle East countries and let them blow hell out of each other.

The Israelis could then return fully refreshed and sort out what is left although I would like shares in the 'ACME' scrap company gathering up all the abandoned weapons.:o:D:o:D

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We should send all the Israelis (GCP) on a world cruise while we arm all the other Middle East countries and let them blow hell out of each other.

The Israelis could then return fully refreshed and sort out what is left although I would like shares in the 'ACME' scrap company gathering up all the abandoned weapons.:o:D:o:D




Like a spring clean? ah, one can dream. That would certainly make the world a better place.


You can have the scrap metal. I'm going to keep all the Arab innovations and patented products....oh, wait...:huh:

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mapleboy, I love your byline :thumbsup:


In my 50's and thus compulsorily a grumpy old man. Just so long as you realise I'm right and you're wrong, we'll get along just fine, OK?


As I am 60, can I nick it:D

Be my guest mate :)
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