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Animal Cruelty - Kitten Killer

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The police should be putting some serious effort into catching animal abusers, if they are capable of being so cruel to an animal like that, they're capable of doing it to a child. What if they have a child, surely it is at risk?


My earlire flippant remark aside, this is a good point and such people are almost certainly potentially extremely dangerous. I agree with you.

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...I've long since stopped having faith that everybody has a basic level of humanity when it comes to other living things, and very unfortunately I'm of the same species as those who have no conscience and do this sort of thing for fun or to get noticed.

What she said, with bells on, and my emphasis.


Such terrible abuse of something so helpless. I can't even begin to get to the place where an understanding of the motivation for such actions would be possible.

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Shocking, just shocking. I always remember reading a poem for a GCSE paper by Seamus Heany. Describing the drowning of kittens and their reaction to being drowned & the aftermath. He describes how logistically kittens on a farm are "just another mouth to feed" just further annoyance & cost. I remember being appauled by it and wondering how anybody can value life so poorly. However I seem to remember it ended with a mention of feeling slight guilt for what had happened to the kittens, which is more than what this psychopath has afforded this poor kitten. Posting it on youtube like some sick trophy. They need finding and as quickly as possible.

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Unfortunately if you look online for this sort of thing then you can find literally thousands of examples of this, from people filming themselves stamping in high heels on kittens to throwing buckets of tiny puppies into rivers. Very sadly, as abhorrent as this is, I've worked in animal rescue for long enough that this sort of thing no longer shocks me.


I've long since stopped having faith that everybody has a basic level of humanity when it comes to other living things, and very unfortunately I'm of the same species as those who have no conscience and do this sort of thing for fun or to get noticed.

Generally, even when one can't empathise with other people's motives for doing something, it's usually possible to kind of understand why they do what they do, even if it's wrong.

But this sort of thing, I just don't get. Few things bother or sicken me but deliberate sadistic cruelty to animals like this really is the sign of a twisted mind and, as suggested above, individuals who are potentially a great risk to others.

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I get so angry reading about these evil acts committed by people who honestly cannot be called human. To be honest if I got my hands on them I don't know what I would do but I know they wouldn't be standing by the end. I cannot stand any kind of act of mindless cruelty and cannot understand what pleasure anyone could get out of it. The thing is these people are usually the type to go on and commit horrific murders. If the punishment for animal cruelty was stricter it would help but people seem to get off scot free. Those poor little things what did they do to deserve this?:rant:




Not a bad post, spoiled by one line see my bold and - The thing is these people are usually the type to go on and commit horrific murders and your proof of this is - what exactly.





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Not a bad post, spoiled by one line see my bold and - The thing is these people are usually the type to go on and commit horrific murders and your proof of this is - what exactly.






Murder is somewhat predictable. There is a correlation between certain things. Correlation does not prove causation though. Although it can be implied.


But hurting animals for pleasure, setting fires and urinating yourself, these qualities tend to be linked to murder in later life. More often than not small children before adults/sprees.


It is even possible to predict war to a degree.


Terrorism too, terrorists tend to be educated young males who haven't achieved.


Which begs the question, isn't this stuff preventable?

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So why didn't the Sun make the 'Python kitten' front page story last Saturday.

Instead, they chose the 2012 football draws :loopy:


There's another thread on here about a 1 month old baby being abused.

That was in the same copy of the Sun, same day.

Not front page.

So which stories are true, the Front page ?

Or the crop of dirt inside it.

We only buy it on a Saturday for the telly book :hihi:

Oh, same issue, JC's column.

Ha ha ha ha, so funny at times !! :hihi:

459? pages of whether he's funny or not on here.


Please try and see my point before replying.

Why aren't these so shocking event's making the front page of the rags !!

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What are you going to do? Offer them a cup of tea and a sit down?


I think you can use your imagination as to what I would do to the evil scumbags that hurt defenseless animals!


Not a bad post, spoiled by one line see my bold and - The thing is these people are usually the type to go on and commit horrific murders and your proof of this is - what exactly.


Type in animal cruelty leads to murder on google and you will find thousands of stories and studies to show this is the case.


I've just seen another story come out of cruelty to yet another kitten. Burglars killed a 10 week old kitten in a microwave just because there wasn't anything worth stealing. What is going on with people? I really despair at what is happening. I know there have always been sick people in this world but I do sense that it's getting worse.

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People drown kittens and puppies on a regular basis.

They're probably unwanted, or the owners can't afford them. etc.

Perhaps they should take the young un's to the RSPCA instead.

It's a lot of animals for a charity to pay for though !

I'm not knocking this behaviour.

I'd sooner a kitten or puppy live.

There are schemes to help people getting their pet's neutered.

This might reduce the number of unwanted pets created in the first place !!


The wanton videoing of a pet's suffering is beyong my logic though.

That is just so sick. Gun, forehead. 1 less waster !!!


And one less of a burdon on us tax payers :)

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